Chapter 5

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Jimmy's pov
I don't know what I walked into but now I cant stop thinking about it, like are they secretly a couple but hiding it? Are they just freinds with benefits like they told me? I don't know cause when I walked in they were kissing and Chandler had him pinned against the wall, when I walked in they were basically making out cause like they were really into what they were doing. "Okay so were just gonna go by what they old you but I think they are a couple on the low" Jake says, yeah me too. "Well we will find out eventually cause Chris will come and tell everyone that he finally found the one for him" Jake says, yeah tire he always does that but that is when the person leaves him for someone else. "Yeah but I think its obvious that Chandler wants Chris all to him self" Jake says, yeah true maybe Chan is the one for him. "Trust me he is" Jake says, okay well I guess we will let them get together on their own or at least come up and say that they are together. "Okay well should we get a flight home or just chill here for the rest of time that were supposed to be here?" Jake asks, um let's talk to Chris and Chandler about it tomarrow. "Okay well I'm going to bed so" Jake says and gets into his bed, I get into mine. I was trying so hard to fall asleep but I just couldn't sleep, I got out of bed and grabbed the key card to Chris and Chandler's room cause they're saying that Chandler is sleeping in the chair but I don't beleive that. I know it is wrong to go in their while they are sleeping but I bought the room so that gives me rights, Right? I walk down the hall to their room and I unlock the door and slowly open it, I quietly walk in and close the door quietly. When I turn the corner from the hall I don't see Chandler in the chair, so once again I was correct. I walk to the bed and to my surprise the bed is empty, no one is in the room, I go out of their room and go back into mine to get my shoes on. I walk back out and go down the elevator. I walk out of the hotel and the temp is just right and the sky is gorgeous, about that time I see Chris and Chandler walking and they are holding hands. They were walking at a slow pace and everyonce and a while Chandler would say something dumb and Chris would look up at him and laugh, Chris took his other hand and grabbed Chandlers arm with it and he leaned up against Chandler. I took a picture cause this was so cute, I got close enough to where they can't see me but I can see and hear them cause I am really bad about being nosy. "Hey chris?" Chandler asks, "yes Chandler" Chris says back in return. "I know we havent known each other for that long but I feel as if I've known you my whole life" Chandler says then stops almost as if second guessing himself, Chris looks up at him. "I was wondering many if it is okay with you ummm of you wanted to be my boyfriend?" Chandler asks, "yes I would love too Chandler" Chris says. That is all I needed to know, I walk off back to the hotel and up into my room. I slip my shoes off and get into my bed, I eventually fall asleep and man cant I wait for them two to decided to tell us the news.

Chris's pov
We lay in bed and I cuddle up close to Chandler, I lay my head on his chest and he wraps his arm around me. Goodnight Chandler, "goodnight Chris" Chandler says and slowly falls asleep. I pull the blanket further up to where it is laying over Chandler's shoulders, I slowly fall asleep cuddled up to the man I can call mine now. I wake up and Chandler is not in the room at all, I look to see what time it was and it is 8:30 am and I realised that is Easter. I got up and got dressed and slipped my shoes on, I called a uber and went to rent a car for the rest of the time were here cause I am kinda sketched out by these uber drivers like there weird. Once I got into the rental car which was a Rolls Royce, I went to Walmart and got a easter basket and the stuff that goes into the bottom of it. I got the biggest box of gushers that they had, alot of candy and a box of gold fish. Once I got into the car I went back to the hotel and brought everything up to my room, when I walked in Chandler was not back which was a good thing. I set everything on the bed and I set up his basket, I also found him this really nice chain that was covered in what the person told me real diamonds he even did the diamond test thing and they were real anyways the chain spelt his name and it was gold with white diamonds it was really nice. I also got the matching braclet that came with it but it was his the chain and diamonds it didn't have his name on it like the necklace did, once it was complete it was really nice looking, I set it on the nightstand beside the bed with a note. I also put 10 plastic eggs in the basket and in each one describes a reason as too why I love him, anyways the note beside the basket said. "Happy easter baby now before you grab the gushers open each egg to see why I claimed you as my lover ♡ ~chris", I walk out and go to Jimmy and Jake's room. I knock on the door and Jimmy answers, "oh hey Chris come in" Jimmy says and let's me in. Hey guys, "hey" Jake says. "Where is Chandler at?" Jimmy asks, umm I actually don't know I woke up and he wasn't in the room at all. "Oh okay well me is probably out doing something or exploring cause he must like to do that" Jake says, what makes you think he likes to explore? "Well he has a tattoo on his arm that say Adventure so I just assumed" Jake said confidently, oh no he told me that he got it because when he was younger he would always like to go out and Adventure the world and see what new or old things he could find. "Oh cool" Jake said, well do we have any plans for today? "Nah not really we can all go walk around downtown I heard that at night everything is lit up and is overall pretty" Jimmy says, "yeah and people here call it the romantic spot of town" Jake says. Okay? I'm gonna go back to my room and lay down and chill, "okay well be ready at 8 so we can all go downtown" Jimmy says. Okay, I walk out and see Chandler coming put of our hotel room. "Oh hey babe" Chandler says, hey baby. I walk up to him and he hugs and kisses me, "so you wanna go back into our room?" Chandler asks, yeah sure. We walk in and and lay on the bed, he really loked the things that I put into the easter basket. He got me some really nice and cool things, I toss him and we both eat the candy that was in both baskets. (Time skip to leaving to walk downtown), we got into the rental car that I got and we all went downtown. Jake and Jimmy were trailing along behind me and Chandler, it was absolutely gorgeous downtown. Me and Chandler took some pictures and posted it to Instagram. Once we all got back to the hotel jimmy and Jake went to their room and we went back to ours, we both took showers (not with each other of course) and got into bed. I cuddle up close to Chandler and he already fell asleep, I eventually fall asleep cause I was really tired.

A/N: sorry for this easter chapter to be out late I have been real busy lately so dont hate on mr for that :)

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