chapter 7

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*2 years later*

Chandler's pov
Babe come on were gonna be late, "okay hold on" Chris says. He walks down stairs and grabs my hand we walk out and get into my car, we drive up to the warehouse because jimmy was wanting to talk to us all. We pull up and get out, we walk in and sit on the couch nesode everyone else. "Ok so what I wanted to tell you guys is me and maddie are having a baby" Jimmy says excitedly, we all jump up in excitement. Congrats jim, "thanks guys. "So how far along is she?" Chris asks, "she is currently 7 weeks pregnant" Jimmy says.

Chris's pov
We were all talking and joking around in the parking garage to the warehouse, all of the sudden chandler got quiet and pale real quick. "Whats wrong Chandler?" Jimmy asks, "I-i cant b-breate" Chandler quietly says out of breath. He falls to the ground and I quickly keep his head from hitting the ground, I guess he passed out. Jimmy calls 911 and the paramedics quickly show up, he comes around and they check all his vitals and everything is normal. "It seems as if you had a panic or anxiety attack" the paramedic says, we went doing anything to trigger those. "Chris when I was younger I was diagnosed with a disorder to where I can get panic attacks out of random" Chandler says quietly, once they leave I give Chandler some water. I help him up and he looks tired, alright well we'll all talk later I need to get him home. "Alrigut Chris bye" Karl says, "bye and get your man to bed cause he looks tired" Jimmy says. I will, we get into his car and I dive is home. I help him out the car and into the house, I help him upstairs and into bed. He slips his slides off and I take my shoes off, once I changed I to something comfortable I walk over to Chandler and he pulls me in the bed with him. "I love you chris" Chandler says slowly falling asleep, I kiss him softly slowly falling asleep cuddled close to him with his arms tightly around me.

Jimmy's pov
I wonder what caused chandler to have a panic attack, maddie was already asleep. I am tired but I cant sleep, i wonder if chandler knows something the rest of us don't and maybe it triggered an attack just thinking about them. Maddie rolls over and lays her leg over me and places her hand on my chest, I eventually fall asleep.

Chandler's pov
I wake up and Chris is still asleep, I thought that since today is our 3 year anniversary of being together I was gonna propose to him on the beach at night caise the stars are just so beautiful. I already talked to his parent s and got their blessing on this and his parents and our freinds are gonna be there recording when I propose, I lightly kiss Chris's forhead and i get on my phone. The engagement ring I got him was pricey but in my option when it comes to love money is not a problem,
(This is what the ring looked like)

 The engagement ring I got him was pricey but in my option when it comes to love money is not a problem, (This is what the ring looked like)

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The ring itself was 16, 544 dollars but I really liked that ring and those are also real diamonds so that is why it was so expensive. He wakes up and looks at me, goodmornig babe. "Good morning babe" Chris says in a raspy voice, you are just so cute. "I know I am" chris says and cuddles close to me, well I was windering if you wanted to walk on the beach around 6 or 7 tonight. "Yes I would love to" Chris says, okay well are we just gonna lay in bed all day? "Well as long as your in the bed then I will lay here all day" Chris says, okay well how about we watch some Hulu? "Okay" Chris says, I put on regular show and we binge watch that. (Several hours later), we get ready and I slip the little ring box into my pocket. We get into my car and as we were parking this rush of nervousness floods over me, "you alright babe?" Chris asks, yeah u-um I'm fine. As we were walking up to where I knew everyone is Chris looks up at me, "look my some of our freinds and family are here babe" Chris says confused. We walk over to everyone, Chris goes and talks to him mom.and dad. Jimmy and marcus pull me over behind Chris, "Okay you know what to do bud" Jimmy says amd walks off. His mom looks at me and smiles then nods, Chris? He turns around and looks at me. Everyone is recording and im neverous until I grab Chris's hands, Christopher Tyson. Since we first met I knew that you would be my one and only, I knew that you would always be there for me as i would always be there for you. I know that being with me can be struggling sometimes and you just wanna kill me but you havent yet so that means you truly love me for me, you make me laugh, scream, yell and make me feel like someone. I get down on one knee and I open the ring box, Christopher Stephen Tyson will you marry me? At this point my hands are shaking and I'm just scared of him saying no, he stands there in shock for a second. "Yes it'll be an honor to marry you Chandler" Chris says, I jump up in excitement and hug him. He kisses me and we both can't stop smiling, I put the ring on his finger and he looks at it. "Oh it's gourgeous and it most likely cost more than my life" Chris says leaning up against me, I wrap my arms aroind him. He shows his mom ans the others, everyone looks at the ring then me. "How much did that cost Chandler?" My dad asks, I look at Chris, then the ring then back to my dad. It costed 16,544 but with tax it was 17,000, "baby you didn't have to spend that much on a ring" Chris says. Yeah I know but i wanted the best for you, it is a silver platinum ring with real diamonds. We take pictures and post them on Instagram, once we got home we got ready for bed and cooked some food. We ate then went to upstairs, Chris cuddles up close to me and we both fall asleep.

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