Chapter 3

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Chandler's pov
Okay so I am not for sure but I think Jimmy and Jake are up to something, I'm going to talk to Chris about it and maybe we might both have the same suspicions. Hey chris um can I talk to you alone? Everyone looks at us and Jimmy and Jake are smiling, "um yeah sure we can go into my office" Chris says. He looks at the rest then we walk into his office, "so what did you need?" Chris  asks, I don't know of ik right about this and it may sound crazy but Jimmy and Jake are up to something. "Yeah I was thinking the same cause their acting weird and for Jimmy to just randomly want to go to the Bahamas for 2 weeks is not like him" Chris says, yeah umm well this calls for an investigation. "Yes it does" Chris says, alright we'll talk more about it once we get to the airport. "Alrigh Chan" Chris says, we walk out and everyone looks at me then Chris. Okah then, "alright our flight leaves in 2 hours so everyone pack you bags" Jimmy says. Me and Chris walk out first and we both get into our seperate vehicles, once I get to my house I walk in and go upstairs to my room. I get my suitcase and begin to pack the things I will need for the 2 weeks I'm gone, once I'm done I lit my white hat on and my sunglasses. I grab my wallet and keys and walk out the door locking it behind me, I got a text from Chris letting me know that we are all meeting at the airport. I out my suitcase in the back seat, I stop and get me and Chris a reese's blizzard from dairy queen. I pull up at the airport and I park beside Chris, I get out and get my suitcase out of the back seat. I walk up to Chris and he is on his phone, "oh hey chan" Chris says. Hey chris, here I got you this since I was already getting me one. "Thanks Chan" Chris says and hugs me, we walk into the airport and get out tickets and go through airport security. Once we get on our plane which was a private jet cause Chris was telling me that he doesn't like having to sit by random people, me and Chris sot beside each other and Jake and Jimmy sit with each other. Okay so Chris what do you think they are up to? "Umm I'm not real sure what about you?" Chris asks, ummm I'm not quiet sire yet but i think it has something to do with me and you. "You're right that would explain why they always smile everytime we hug or leave the room together" Chris says, okay so that is our lead and we will have to get more evidence to prove our statement correct. "Okay well we will find out more for sure once we get to the hotel cause me and Jimmy always share a hotel room with two beds in it so if he gives us one he will most likely get it with two beds but if our statement is correct then he will give us one with only one bed" Chris says, okay for now how about we just lay back and watch a movie or better yet look at internet memes. "You read my mind" Chris says, we both laugh. He gets out his phone and we look at memes, we laugh at some and talk about others. Once we finally landed, I grab mine and Chris's bags then we get off if the jet. We walk into the airport and then we walk out. "Okay our uber is here and they are going to take us to the hotel" Jimmy says, we put all 4 of our suitcases in the back then get into the uber. Jake was in the front and me, jimmy and chris were in the back. Chris was in between and and Jimmy, once we got to the hotel we got out and walked in. Jimmy walked up to the desk to get our key cards, Jimmy walks up, "alright here Chris this is they key to yours and Chandler's room but one problem is that yall got the room with only one bed because me and Jake got the last room with two beds in it" Jimmy says and hands him the card. "That's okay we'll figure something out" Chris says, yeah we you can sleep on the bed and I'll sleep on the floor. "Okay" Chris says, we all go in to elevator. "Hey guys how once we get out of the elevator we all race to our rooms" Jake suggests, "okay I'm up for a challenge" Chris says. Yeah but I'll definitely beat all of you cause I used to run track in high school, "how old are you Chandler?" Jimmy asks, oh I'm 20. "Yeah your younger than all of us but chris is shorter so he can move faster" Jake says, well we'll see about that. Once the elevators open we get out and line up, we all take off leaving our suitcases behind. Next thing I know is that Chris falls over on my causing me to fall. I landed on my back and he landed on top of me, we lay there for a second trying to catch our breaths. He gets up and helps me up, "I'm sorry are you okay?" Chris asks, yeah I'm fine but something scratched my back and it hurts badly. "Okay well let me get out bags and you go ahead and go I to our room and I look at your back" Chris says, okay. I unlock our door and walk in, I set the card in the table thing and I take my shirt off. Chris walks in and shuts the door behind him, he sets our suitcases on the bed and he comes and looks at my back. "Dang something gashed it open" Chris says, how bad is it?

Chris's pov
"How bad is it?" Chandler asks, pretty bad. Let me go get a washcloth, "okay" Chandler says quietly. There was a knock at the door, so I anwser it and it was Jimmy and Jake. The come in and close the door behind them, "dang you messed your back up big time" Jake says. "Yeah" Chandler says, I walk out and go over to Chandler. Alright this might hurt a bit, "okay" Chandler says. I clean the blood arou d the cut first the. I clean the cut its self with peroxide, Chandler winces in pain. It was a medium sized gash but deep, I put a large bandaid on it after I put some neosporin on it. There you're good now, "thanks chris" Chandler says. He goes over to his suitcase and unzips it, he grabs a nike tank top and puts it on. He moves his suitcase off of the bed and I move mine, he sits on the left side of the bed and I lay down on the right side under the blanket. "Going to sleep already Chris?" Jimmy asks, yes I am it is 9:30 at night and I'm tired. Alright well goodnight guys, there was this Chair and Chandler laid side ways into it. Once the guys walked out Chandler got up locked the door and got in bed beside me, he came close being me to where is chest is touching my back and his arm is over my stomach. His head was above mine, "goodnight Chris" Chandler says. Goodnight Chandler, usually to most people this would be weird because I've only know him for two days now but when I tell you that this man is the love of my life I'm being serious cause I have never been so close to someone like I am with Chandler. I eventually fall asleep in Chandler's arms, as peaceful as can be and happy for eternity.

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