An Unexpected Anger

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This will be my first story . Hope You all like it . My dream is to become an animator one day . so if there is any mistake plz forgive me and enjoy

“speed. I am speed.
One winner 42 losers and i eat losers for breakfast
focus speed i am speed. ... wait a minute doesn't Mr. McQueen says that ” said cruz . Then lightning said, “sure i do.”Then cruz said,  “oh MR. McQueen Good Morning Lightning said, “ okay cruz are you ready to hit the road ” cruz answered, “I am born ready to race.”
Then lightning and cruz got out of their hauler . When cruz came out there were so many fans and camera cars taking photos and reporters asking various questions  . cruz couldn't  answer them all . Cruz's attention gone to the other racers they were big and strong but cruz did not get afraid she may not be big or strong but she was smart and confident  . This time no one was going to distract her .
she has also got the tittle “the Queen of east ”due to her great performance in the eastern race tracks . she finally got what she deserved she is a racer .

The race was going to start cruz got at the bottom of the line . Tim by her side said , “Hey, cruz ready for the race ”cruz said“ oh yeah”then the green flag went down and the race started . cruz slowly pass one,by one racers .lightning was guiding her from the pit spot . The fans were so happy about it .
There were only 20 laps left and cruz got to the 3rd place . There were Danial who was the 2nd place. Then she also passed Danial the only racer she needed to pass was Jackson Storm. But she was  not afraid.  she knew what to do . Then lightning said  “stick like two june bugs on a summer night”. Cruz did like he said she started drafting behind storm. when cruz,did that he realized it was cruz . Storm said with no emotion “it is you,  again”storm also said “you are not winning this costume girl”cruz said “did you know how many times you said that. Hey hamilton count how many times he said that ” Hamilton said , “11 times in a row and you won 11 times in a row”then cruz surprisingly said “wow i didn't knew that but now i am gonna make it 12 times in a row”storm got angry and lose control and cruz zoomed and got the space .They were neck to neck .

Then it was only one lap left . Storm said“you are not gonna win this”cruz said said “let see”From the pit crew lightning said “we believe in you cruz” then cruz remembered the best moments and the supports of her friends and her crew chief . There was no way she was losing today . she became furious .
storm said that , “ your are not a racer you don't  belong here” Cruz became very angry and said “oh yeah still i am not alone like you who does not have any friends in his life” storm became heart broke and faded and slow down and cruz won . But cruz knew that it was not nice she also became sad and wanted to apologize  to storm . cruz tried to say it but storm did not listen he went way . cruz was very sad . Then lightning came and congrats cruz but cruz was not happy seeing that lightning said , “was storm mean to you i knew it he will never change  ”then cruz said that , “No this time i was mean ” lightning got shocked and said “how”
then cruz said the whole story
lightning said , “but you know you said the truth . Truth might sound bitter ”then cruz said “but i feel bad for him”
“do not worry he just needs someone to help him . But know lets go you know Holley shiftwell is coming and mater is really excited”
cruz said , “i always wanted to meet her”
lightning left and said , “lets go and pack the things”
cruz thought and thought then she said“ i have an idea”

OKay hope you enjoyed up to this .see what happens next .............

cars 4 cruz and stormTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon