A new guest

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Storm woke up at 5 pm as it was her training time at the stimulator but this time there were no stimulator . He thought that there may be one because next - gens need stimulators. Then he suddenly saw cruz. He  thought she might knew where the stimulator is .
Then storm called cruz , “Hey, costum  girl ”
cruz was saying to herself from a far distance so he could not hear , “I hate that name” and then loudly said , “yeah , i am coming there ”
Then cruz reached there and said “what do you want ?”
storm said , “where is the stimulator ?”
but cruz said they do not train on stimulator
storm said “then where do you train on”
cruz said “we train on ground, the soil ,the earth ”
storm said ,“why do you all train on dirt that is way too easy”
cruz laughed and sayed , “oh really then why do not you try”
storm said , “If i win you will take me to the stimulator and if i lose i will never see the stimulator and will only train on dirt ”
cruz said , “okay”

on the willy’s butte
cruz said “this will be a one lap race ”
storm said “easy”
cruz “okay the race starts now”
they zoomed but storm was ahead of cruz . But cruz knew what was going to happened .
At the U- turn storm fall by losing control .
But cruz did not she won the race than she saw storm he was stuck with the cactus . cruz giggled and said , “so easy right ”
storm shouted said , “no”
cruz said , “But deal’s a deal you know that bolt boy .”

on the other side there came a visitor .
It was Aurthur state . He came and gave the people of radiator springs a threat  that he would destroy radiator springs and only way to save it was a race which will be held after one month but  they needed racers lightning and cruz agreed but they need one more....

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