double trouble

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It has gone 1 month ,
so quickly no one could tell . Storm kinda a little liked the town but on the outside he always showed he didn't care .

On the other side of the town everyone was waiting for holley to arrive .

Diamond said, “Who is holley ?”
sally said , “she is a spy .She helped us a lot . i will say the story to you as your bed time story , okay”

Diamond said with happiness , “okay”
mater is mostly nervous. 
lightning asked mater , “What's wrong,  buddy ?”

Mater said , “i am not sure what if i screw things up ? She wanted to on a date tonight what if i say the wrong thing   ”
Lightning tried to clam mater but could not .

Cruz said , “What if we help you ?”
mater asked , “How ?”

cruz said , “You will know it when i will show it to you ”

Mater said , “come on , please say it i can not wait ”

after 5 minute Holley arrived .

Everyone welcomed holley . Mater is just frozen he is not saying anything .
Then holley came to mater and said , “hey , How are you ? ”

mater said , “yeah.....”

holley said , “are you okay ?”
mater said , “yeah....”

lightning said , “He is okay .He is just too excited for you coming ”

Holley said , “After i retire i thought i will come to stay here ”

everybody left but no one noticed that a strange car entered the town .

Who is that car ? Is he good or bad ?Is he working for Aurthur state ?

I am sorry i take a lot time to publish the next part of the story. it is because I do not get time . The next part will come soon ...

cars 4 cruz and stormWhere stories live. Discover now