The request

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They needed three racers but there were two what will they do .
Then Diamond said, “I think i got an idea ”
cruz said , “what is it ?”
Diamond said , “How about my brother ”
lightning interrupted and said , “But he could not race on dirt track”
cruz said , “we still got one month and it is a lot time to get prepared why do not you help him at it Mr.McQueen”
lightning was shocked and said , “what him no way he does not even know what racing is and he is always so mean to us all ”
cruz said , “but this is for Radiator springs ”
sally said, “yeah , stickers please”
lightning then thought and said , “Alright but i agreed but will he”
Diamond said “do not worry That's up to me”
cruz said , “see problem solved  ”

On the other side when Diamond told storm about the challenge and also about him in racing and his trainer is lightning McQueen he was surprised and also angry.
He said, “NO”
Diamond said , “Please this is the only way to save Radiator springs”
storm said , “but i do not care about radiator springs”
Then Diamond said , “But i do”
Storm said , “what how do you like this place this place is insane ”
Diamond disappointedly said , “This is only only about this place it is also about the peoples who lives in this place they love this place they have memorise about it this is there home ”
storm remained silenced
Diamond said , “Don't you remember the time when our home was being sold but you protected it due to it was our last memory about our mom and dad”
storm saw the flashback
Diamond then said ,“so also think it as it . please at least do it for me ”
storm said “Alright alright i will do it ”
Diamond then cheered with happiness and said , “okay then training starts tomorrow ”

I hope you all understand this story i am not good at writing but i tried if any mistake i am sorry and the next part will come soon

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