The date

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Mater again became nervous and scared .

lightning tried to comfort mater but it did not work .

mater again start saying , "i can not do this, i can not do this "

storm said with no emotion , "It's just a date What's so important "

cruz said , "you may think like that but to many else it is the most exciting day in there life . "

storm said , "So what It's not like they are winning the piston cup "

cruz said , "oh come on life is not only about winning you need to sometimes take a break and have fun"

storm didn't answer anything but by his face he looks like he did not care .

lightning interrupted and said , "Don't worry he will open day understand "

storm said , "Not happening , champ "

mater again started to say that he could not do it then all of them again surrounded him and tried to comfort him .

cruz got an idea and said , "How about you tell you what to say and you will say it to her "

mater said , "How ?"

Cruz said , "by using this "

lightning said , "A microphone that is a brilliant idea "

Then mater put it on and then all of them hide behind the window where mater and holley was going to sit .

mater waited for holley to arrive .

then holley arrived and said , “mater there you are . ”

mater replied , “ye..ah ..”

holley said, “Are you okay mater ?”

lightning said through the microphone , “say you are okay ”

mater said , “yeah i am okay ”

holley said , “may we go ?”

mater said , “yeah ”

then they parked beside the table . All the folks were behind the window helping mater . But there were not that difficult questions asked to him .

They both remained silent for a moment .

They did not had much to say .

cruz said to lightning , “This is not looking good we need to do something ”

lightning said , “okay but what ?”

cruz said , “that her eyes ”

sally said , “no , her smile ”

Diamond said , “no,  her voice ”

Ramon said , “no , her color ”

but no one noticed that the microphone was on and mater was hearing everything .

over there mater was saying all of it , “your eyes .... no, your smile,your voice ....... no , your color ”

holley said , “what ? are you okay mater ”

lightning said , “oh no we messed up ”

storm said “yeah this is the thing you all understood that you are useless ”

cruz said , “By the way you are too”

storm said , “wait did you just call me useless !”

lightning said , “if you are not useless then help”

storm said , “fine just to prove i am not useless”

storm took the microphone .

Everyone thought he could not do it but he...

storm  said, “those are all about you . Your eyes are so deep and beautiful that i could not take my eyes of it , your smile is so bright that even i accidently smile , your voice is so sweet that i can hear them all day and your color is so bright i love it so i can never compare all these these with each other because they make you .... you  . ”

After saying that storm looked at cruz. Cruz was looking outside to see what was happening  . Then storm realized why he was staring at her so he turned away .

over there it was amaizing mater said all the things perfectly and holley said , “aww ... mater that was heart touching . But i also feel for it too. ”

mater then said by himself , “I love ya , holley ”

Holley said , “I love you too ”

all of them were very happy.

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