Make a wish

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-Waverly and Wynonna's cabin: 9 am, 2 days after the accident-

Nicole parked her bike in front of the 38's wooden cabin. She took out the wicker basket destined for the sisters, and after a deep breath, rang the doorbell. After a few minutes, Wynonna opened the door, wearing shorts and a tight tank top. She looked surprised, but before she uttered a word, she walked one step towards Nicole and brought her gently into her arms. Now, Nicole was the confused one. The hug was short and intense, Wynonna coughed to hide any emotions, back up, nodded her head, and said:

"Hum...Look, Haught, I didn't get a chance to thank you for that night, it all went a little fast... But I wanted to do it in person..."

"Oh, well, you don't have to thank me, really..."

"Huh, yeah, I do. Anyway, where were you yesterday morning? I mean...Not that your colleague wasn't good looking cause DAMN HE WAS FINE...Hum, but we started worrying about you..."

"Worrying about me? You don't have to, I'm good! Yesterday morning, I was just still a little exhausted so the boss made me take the morning off...Enough about me, I have your package!"

"OOOh YES! Bring it in Haught, make me daydream..."

"Hahaha, well, for today, you have...huh" Nicole stopped speaking when she saw Waverly appear in the door frame with a smile. The brunette looked at her with kind eyes, she looked...Good surprisingly, happy, calm and good. This thought brought a wide smile to Nicole's face.

"Hey!..." exclaimed Nicole, who couldn't take her eyes off her.

"Hey!" answered Waverly while her smile grew bigger.

"Ooookay, well, in the first place I was here for the basket, so..." interrupted Wynonna confused and hungry.

"Yeah-hum, the basket, for today, you have an almond milk and red fruits smoothie, with a vegan fruit pie and a bottle of...champagne?...Sorry, you stopped drinking, this must be a mistake..."

"No, no I ordered it...!" exclaimed Wynonna to everyone's surprise.

"Why?" asked Waverly confused too.

"EM maybe to CELEBRATE! Why else?" answered Wynonna.

"Celebrate... what?" repeated Waverly.

"My second month sober!" exclaimed Wynonna finally.

"Oh, hm..." hesitated Waverly.

"Oh shit, you're right, I didn't think this through...Well...take it, Haught, it's on the house! Considerate it a thank you for saving Waverly...!" exclaimed Wynonna.

"It's really kind, but I can't..." said Nicole a little uncomfortable.

"No, we're keeping it!" exclaimed Waverly suddenly.

"Why?" asked her sister.

"Because I don't wanna make her uncomfortable, even though I'm incredibly grateful obviously. Because I don't want it to go to waste. And because I like the taste of bubbles when I'm kind of happy..." ended Waverly in a cute smile.

"Okay, whatever...Let me just..." Wynonna picked up only the pie from the basket "God, I'm starving...Are you coming, Waverly? Don't dare to be mad when there's nothing left!" exclaimed Wynonna running back inside the house to the kitchen.

"Coming in a minute!" exclaimed the younger Earp with a little laugh.

Waverly turned her gaze back to Nicole, and her breath was taken away again. It was warmer, so Nicole had decided to tuck her shirt into a pair of high-waisted denim shorts. Her hair was caught in a ponytail, which had fallen out in places, leaving her red locks shining in the sun. Her cheeks were a little red, her freckles had multiplied. She smiled with dimples, and took a chapstick out of her pocket, brought it to her lips and put it nonchalantly on. This action, lasted an eternity to Waverly's eyes, a shiver ran through her body and she instinctively stepped in front of the door. Nicole looked at her too, and after a second asked nicely, handing her the basket,

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