Where do you live?

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-Nicole's POV-

I took off my hairband for the tenth time in five minutes and let my red curls fall around my face. I ran my hand through my locks and someone tapped on my shoulder. It was Jeremy, looking obviously annoyed,
"Nicole, tell me what is it."

I admit I was really confused, my best friend wasn't the kind to be really angry let alone authoritarian.

"What are you talking about?"

"REALLY? Well, I'll tell you... For the past two hours of our bar shift, you changed 200th time your hair, tied and UNtied your shirt, but MOSTLY, you were off, like, gone in your trail of thoughts. Just in case you forgot, I am a superbrain, and, if I may, it's kinda really obvious that something or someONE is making your little heart fluttered in butterflies. THEREFORE my question is clear, what is it? Or if I may take a shot, who is it?

I loved him so much that I couldn't help but smile. A part of me couldn't believe that someone was actually caring so deeply about me, that he had noticed EACH of my moves. I think my happiness got to him, because, his angry face vanished as quickly as it had appeared. I tried to collect my feelings and put it all into words, but the truth is, I knew that getting my hopes up was tricky and I had no strength to lose it all again. Still, there was something about her...

"I met this girl and she's coming tonight with her sister to celebrate her birthday.." I finally answered.

"WAIT, you mean, at the bar?"

"Yup..." I said but by my tone, he knew I wasn't done.


"But...She is straight, got hurt pretty bad, so, I don't want to push her into anything..."

"Oh...Well look, we both know I have zero advice to give, in two years I've never been able to ask Robin out, BUT ANYWAY...The one thing I know is that when you doubt you should communicate, cause only then, you're settled."

"But what if..."

"What if what? Talk to her and you'll know!"

"Talk to who?" asked a soft voice at the counter.

I startled and turned around hoping and trying to look less red thank my hair. But I breathed again when I realized it was just our other best friend and colleague Rose leaning on the table, smiling at us.

"Oh-huh-no one...What do you wanna drink?" I finally hardly mumbled.

"Bourbon, neat, please. Wait, Jeremy, am I hallucinating or you agree that Red's face is red...okay, Nicole, who is she?"

I was about to answer but the entire beer can from which I was pulling the pints exploded and spilt all over my shirt.

"OF COURSE, now of all times..." I yelled surprised by the cold liquid soaking my clothes.

"Hey Nicole, relax...You know what? Just take mine, my shift is over, I was heading home anyway..." offered Rose kindly and before I could've answered she ended her bourbon in a sip, shook her head as a result of the strong alcohol burning her throat, took off her blue employee shirt and unveiled a pool sports bra.

I gave her a wide, grateful smile. And did the same, except that my stupid shirt got caught in one of my little sun earrings. She and Jeremy started laughing watching me struggle but Rose eventually jumped off the bar counter and lifted the rest of my shirt above my head. We both started laughing as she wrinkled her nose and disgustedly lifted my beer-covered shirt in her hand.

"You ow me one red.."

"How about that triathlon we've been talking about for ages?"


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