Breathe and Let go

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-Waverly's POV-

I opened my eyes slowly but quickly closed them back as the sunlight was coming directly onto my face. I turned under the blanket and shivered, I always felt freezing cold in my sleep. In my sleep. I had finally slept. Without having nightmares, crying, screaming and waking up in the middle of the night. Oh, boy, but it was not the night, it was daytime. And with a soft wind breeze on my cheek, it all came back to me. Nicole... shit, ARCHERY. How could I have forgotten and fallen asleep on the couch so lazily and carefree? The memory of her smile with dimples, her profound eyes filled with kindness, and my deep craving to see it all again, pushed me to face the light. I managed to stand up, my hair in a huge mess and stumbled a bit until I stopped in front of the silver camera on the table. For a second I thought it was just a dream. Come on, how in the world could a woman like her ever do something so sweet and caring for someone like me. But, I left my trail of thoughts when I noticed the candle left on the table, which once stood on top of a chocolate cupcake before I devoured it. I shook my head closing and opening my eyes and played different parts of my body to wake up.

And I finally pulled myself together enough, to walk a few steps towards the bathroom, tossed my clothes on the floor and, like a breath of relief, enjoyed the feeling of the warm water on my face. I took the time to wash my skin gently as I felt my body under my finger. I was surprised to notice just now, that my skin was tanned and kinda soft. I smiled at the thought of Nicole's finger on it. WOW. Wawawow what was happening. I gasped as I almost fell in the bathtub. Am I really craving Nicole's touched under a shower? OK, that's new, strange, and Um-hum- kinda gay? ANYWAY, it needed to stop. But even after a few minutes of losing myself in the scent of the almond soap and hot shower, the feeling never quite actually left my mind.

I carefully got out of the shower, letting a drizzle of water run down past me as I walked up the stairs to my room. I was about to go up the second staircase, still lost in my thoughts, thinking about my outfit, when I heard someone coughing behind me. I turned to Wynonna who, lying on the couch, asked me with intrigued eyes:

"You're going out, baby girl?"

"Yeah, if that's okay, I'm gonna try out archery..."

"You? Archery?" asked Wynonna again, making sure to highlights both words.

"Why not?" I answered in a smile as I was about to turn around and climb the stairs to my room, her voice stopped me.

"Hey wave?"

I turned around to face my sister. Wynonna had stood up and got close to me. She lifted her arms and brought me into an unplanned but pleasant loving hug.

"Happy birthday sis', I love you, angel..."

I was genuinely surprised but I still managed to say, full of emotions,

"You remembered?"

Wynonna nodded and added,

"Of course Wave, I'm sorry for this morning, I was a shithead, I hope I didn't upset you..."

"It's okay..." I would have done anything for her not to feel guilty, I knew she had enough on her plate.

"How about I make it up to you tonight? The bar at the beach is pretty darn beautiful..." asked Wynonna with a hesitant smile.

"I'd love that! I'll text you I promise, but, now I have to go, though, I'm super duper late..." I said, a little fricking out looking at the clock behind her.

"Huh, you have a date or something waiting for ya?" asked Wynonna with a faked oblivious smile.

"Maybe" I spit, not giving a thought to my answer. Shit, WHY the hell did I say that? I didn't even think it was a date? Didn't I? I didn't have anything clear in my mind at this point except, that some force was pushing me to hurry and fill my heart again, even for a second, in Nicole's smile. I turned around, trying to avoid Wynonna's answer or even her gaze and started running up the stairs in my towel.

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