You saved me first

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*THUMP* was the noise I made when I fell on the floor.

"Grmrmph...Ouch" was all that I could say before someone entered the room.

The Night was dark but the moon still managed to lightly sneak behind the curtains. Another soft light appeared suddenly and it made me, hardly open my eyes, I was confused and lost. I felt my anxiety and heartbeat rising. I instinctively curled up into a ball and hid behind my hair. Until one peculiar familiar voice, instantly allowed me to breathe again.

"Hey, are you okay? Waverly... can you hear me ?" said Nicole as I saw her kneeling down in front of me.

"Hi, hmmm, where am I?" I tried to ask slowly letting go of the grip around my legs looking up behind my brown messy highlights, still incredibly confused.

"You're on the floor... Are you okay?" I heard her say sweetly.

"Oh, wow...Did I fell?" everything was blurred in my head, which hurts, so so bad.

"Probably in your sleep, yeah...but it's ok, here let me help you.." added Nicole chuckling kindly as she took my hand and gently helped me sat back on the bed. I curled back in a ball and started to swing on myself, letting a profound sigh out of my longs

After a second, I opened my eyes again to adjust to the soft beam of light coming from the living room. That's when I saw her kneel back on the floor. I immediately craved her touch, it's crazy how I never had enough of her body on mine. Her body, wow, her curves where enchanting. Without even realizing it, I travelled my gaze across her skin until I met her deep chocolate eyes. She looked back at me and a shiver went down my spine to every inch of my insights. I was melting.

Nicole was there, her red hair wrapped up in a messy ponytail and not even the little dark circles under her eyes could make her any less beautiful. She was stunning. I couldn't help a smirk appear on my lips when I realized this magical woman was actually here, only for me. Nicole's low voice made me flinch and came down of my cloud:

"How do you feel?"

With that question, I knew she was giving me the space to decide whether I wanted to share my feelings or not, her kindness was unbelievable.

"I had a really awful nightmare...I'm so sorry I woke you up..." I mumbled with guilt.

"Hey it's okay, I had a nightmare too..."

"Oh..." I stopped talking when I smelt a familiar scent tickling my nose, "WAIT, DID YOU MAKE WAFFLES?" I exclaimed in joy seeing the full plate next to her with the pastries bathing in maple syrup.

"Hahaha yeah, my creative, slash, oddly consumable production, is brought to you by the 2 am insomnia!" she joked as I joined her in a burst of clear laughter.

As I let the laughing take over me, I gave up on my muscles and relaxed my body, I bent down a little, hoping I could steal a bite from the plate. But a strong headache combined with the sudden urge to puke caught me off guard. I must have turned green and look ridiculous,

"What's happening to me..." I started rubbing my face with my hands, trying to recall why the hell I felt like I was in a parallel dimension.

"Hmm...You are drunk..?" hesitated Nicole still incredibly cautious.

"Is that how it feels?... It's horrible...It's like the world is ending but I have to feel everything hurts till the end..."

"Wait, you never got drunk?" asked Nicole with a confused/concerned look, as I let my eyes appear behind my fingers in shame,

Hazel Eyes: A SUMMER WAYHAUGHTWhere stories live. Discover now