ummm good morning?

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-your POV-

I woke up from my sleep.
Okay what now?
I snuggle back into the blankets.
"Ahhhhgggg I don't wanna wake up~" I practically shout over the whole place. I mean I don't have to. I plop down onto my belly. Shoving my head into my pillow.

"Good morning to you too" a deep voice sounds throw my room. It's probably dice. "I can't hear you! I'm still sleeping" I giggled a little at the end. I feel like such a little kid right now. I really wanna see dices face though.

-devils POV-

Who does she think she is?! Some child I picked up of the road?
I am not in the mood for her game's. "(Y/n). Get. Out. Of. Bed.
NOW." I said that last part in a voice that should scare her and it does. She wips her head my way with a terrified look on her face. "D-d-devil!?" She said shocked seeing me standing in the doorway. I went over to her curtains and opened them. "That's boss for you now" I said in a monotoon Voice. "I-i'm sorry b-boss" she managed to spit out. How I like her studders. It really shows her fear for me.
"I put an outfit in the closet you can wear." I said as I returned to my position in the doorway. "Breakfast is ready so hurry up" I told her as I took my leave.

-your POV-

That was so embarrassing! I thought dice would wake me up! Maybe I should get ready. I want some food. I carefully jumped of the bed and sleeply made my way to the closet to see what the outfit was

(See top image)

It was so cute! I held the soft fabric in my hands as I took the outfit off. I twirled around with the dress in my hands. It was like I was dancing with it.
"Aroun and around we gooo- AAAHHH" *thud* "my head... Ouw" how did I even fall. I sat straight and looked around. I don't remember a door being here. I feel around until I find a light switch. *Flick*

"No way" it was my own private bathroom!! It's so pretty! The red and black fit nicely with the white tiles on the ground. I see a bath and a shower. oooOOOOooo big, shiny mirror.

Maybe living here won't be so bad after all.

I put on the outfit and fiddled with the headband.
There! I looked myself up and down in the mirror. "Looking good" I said to myself as I made finger guns. "Now let's get that breakfast!" I said as I made my way out of the room. "Please be quiet eaters my head still hurts" I plead before getting into the mess that was my future.

-a little time Skip brought to you by (y/n)'s bad finding skills-

"Took you long enough" the boss said as soon as I walked inside. "It's not my fault you didn't tell me where the kitchen was" I mummbeled out.
"Oh (y/n)! Come sit with me! I saved a spot for you~" dice yelled from across a big, long dining  table. I guess it's more of a breakfast table right now...

Everyone I have seen yesterday was sitting at said table with a variety of foods displayed. Of course the devil was seated at the head of the table and dice on his right side. I walked over to the dice man and sat next to him. "Had a good night of sleep?" Dice asked. I was thinking about what I would say but I was feeling a little weird. Probably hit my head to hard. "The bed was amazing, wish I could of stayed under the covers a little longer" I scratched the back of my neck after my statement. "I'm glad you like the new bed" dice said smiling at me.

"How about you brother?" I said at that really funky state of dizziness.

(It was at this moment y/n knew.
She fu€ked up)

"Brother?!" Everybody yelled in unison. Except Mr. Wheeze. Cause he knows and doesn't like drama. Who was -in stead of freaking out- calmly lighting a sigar.
"Aw that hurts" I quietly said as I layed my head on the table. "You, wait, what? How? You can't be related right?" mugs said crunching the 'numbers' in his head.
"Mug please

"Did you brain wash the poor girl?" Pirouletta asked while looking with concern at me. "What? I- no!" dice tried to defend himself.
"I saw it coming in a vision" mangosteen popped in out of nowhere. "Of course you did pal" dice said with his fingers on his temple.

I looked up at dice. Mind filled with fog. The pain in my head only increasing.
"I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to make a scene."
I whimpered a little at the end of my sentence. Just a little to loud.  Gaining a little to much attention.

Everyone is starting at me.
This is just great.

"I'll tell you imbeciles the origin of (y/n) after breakfast" the devil boss said breaking the commotion.

We ate the rest of breakfast in silence. I mean... You can't really call it silence when everybody's whispering to each other.

I've never had a better day in my life.

I finished quickly with my plate of food. It was soooooo good. "Mr. Devil boss. Can I please excuse myself from the table?" I might have been living in a forest, but that does not mean I don't have any manners.
"Um, sure. Devil or boss pick one." He said opening a newspaper. "Okay Mr. Boss" I state before taking my leave from the table.

I was walking away just far enough for them to think I went back to my room. Then I noiselessly made my way back to the door frame. Leaning against the wall. And for everybody at home who don't know what I'm doing. I'm eavesdropping, okay!?. Get over it.

"Now, as for (y/n)." The boss man stared. "She's special." He had everyone's attention even mine. "I don't think I can keep this secret for long. So I'll just tell you all this now." Everybody, everything was silent except for the fear in my mind.
No no no! How did he? Maybe that's not it. Maybe it's something else.

-??? POV-

"(Y/n) is an abandoned angle" everybody sat there, some where utterly confused, others felt sympathy for the new, sweet girl

"A-a- abandoned? Don't you mean fallen? Like you boss?" The mug boy asked.
"No, nobody ever forgot about me. They made sure I would stay put. (Y/n) on the other hand is lost, forgotten, alone, abandoned." The room once again fell completely silent, but then something else echoed through the room. Something that came from the hall. The sound was filled with sadness. Sniffing and small hiccups could be heard. Everyone in the room slowly turned to the big open door frame. There she was.
A beautiful angel of sadness

"I guess it's no use to hide the truth now"

I hope you liked it!!!
Sorry it took soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long!
See you in the next chapter!

I-I don't know why I like you. (the devil x reader)Where stories live. Discover now