Chapter 3 "Oружие онлайн"

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When the avengers and Fury opened the box they expected to see a bomb, a gun, or a glass vial that contained a poison or gas, something that would normally take out millions or billions of people. Not the box opening to reveal that it wasn't a box in the first place but a cyro-pod, and that the weapon was a body laying frozen still.

After vision broke the silence Tony followed up with his own comment "Is this some kind of sick joke, cause it's not funny. I was expecting something that's actually threatening." 

"I wouldn't be so sure about that. Hydra is full of surprises, looks can be deceiving." Steve points out, remembering when he thought Bucky was dead.

Tony was going to make a rebuttal, but the Author couldn't think of a good argument against that so they're going to interrupt him.

They body in the box-tm- started to move, calling to the Avengers plus some guards and Fury to lift their weapons at Hydra's so called "Weapon". Not sure what it can do.

They sat up to a 90-degree angle and climbed out of the cramped, cryo-pod. Guns, weapons, and abilities ready, following every movement the individual made, ready to fill them with holes if they even so twitched. 

The body crawled out and stood up straight, perfectly still, hands behind them. Minutes went by with the being standing still. While it was silent you could see what they were wearing. They don-ed a helmet that fully covered their head and connected to red upper body armor that covered their torso and arms. They also wore red armored combat boots. The uniform they had under the armor was black, to complete the red and black Hydra look.

 The uniform they had under the armor was black, to complete the red and black Hydra look

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(I'm crap at explaining what outfits look like so here.Art is not mine of course. ) 

They stood in silence until Clint whispered " So how long are we gonna stay like this?" 

Tony awkwardly walked up to the the silent individual and waved his hand in front of their face. "Uhh... hello?"

"Maybe you have to say something to it?" Steve inquiries.

Lookeing at the two (is Wanda russian?) Russians Bucky spoke up, speaking in russian. "Вы человек?" 'Are you human?' (I'm using google translate I'm so sorry if you understand Russian and this is wrong.)

They got an automated (kinda like Siri or Alexa but not as choppy and you have the voice sound like what ever you want.) reply from the being "оружие онлайн."

"What did it say?" Bruce asks

"Weapon online."

That raised alarm through out the room. "Okay time to take this thing out." Tony nervously says.

"Wait. Ask it some more questions. Maybe we can get some answers about hydra and what weapon is online and maybe get it to turn it off." Fury orders.

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