27 : What it's worth

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it wasn't long,
the amount of time you were really gone.
but, it felt like a lifetime.

you stumbled into our home,
the smell of booze oozed off you.
it was so bad,
i cried when i saw you.

your lipstick smudged,
a smile plastered there that didn't quite look right under your broken eyes.
your clothes were disheveled and your mascara was running.

when you saw me your smile only grew,

Jax! i missed ya sooooooo much!

i couldn't think of anything to say to you.
i picked up the nearest cloth,
which happened to be a white towel,
and ran it under warm water.

when i sat you down in the dining room you tried to embrace me,
i held you back and wiped your face.

stop doing that!
i need my makeup,
it makes me so pretty!

i pushed your hands away.
you don't need it Cara.

yes i do!

she swatted at my hands,
but i just kept going until all of it was gone,
and all that was left was you.

you sobbed,
you ruined it!
it's gone!
my pretty is all gone!

i shook my head,
it came back.

i half carried you,
half dragged you,
to the bathroom.

i ran the water warm while i sat you on the toilet.

stay there.

i rushed into the bedroom where i pulled out a nightgown for you to wear.

when i returned you were in the tub,
clothes and all,
you were fast asleep.
i wasn't even gone for a minute.

i carefully scrubbed your hair and body,
removing leaves and sticks from your knots.
i sobbed.
i hated this
but it was all worth it
because in the end,
i got you.

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