48 : Us

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oven fresh pizza,
margarita with basil and mozzarella.

before it was over,
you dragged me to a roller rink.
little did you know that i didn't know how to skate.
two shoes with wheels on the bottom,
it was quite a task,
trying to get around.

you pulled on my arms and laughed when i fell.
a warm fuzzy feeling expanded inside me.
i never got around without holding on,
but it was fun any how.

we bid our goodbyes when we were at your front door,
and i got this feeling that i never had before.
i knew i wouldn't mess up this time.

and i didn't.
we waited,
and waited.
the end of us never seemed to come around.

we just kept on moving on.
one year in,
you decided it was time to move in.
little things at first,
a toothbrush and your guitar.
garment by garment of clothing.
a hairbrush.

before i knew it,
you were coming to my family holidays and dinners,
and i was going to yours.
our quiet nights in,
and our nights out with friends.

before long,
we lived the same life.
our families together.
your friends were my friends.
and mine were yours.

summer days seemed to drift away,
sunscreen and bonfires.
winter nights,
cozy by the fire with a hot cup of chocolate.

everything was perfect,
and i couldn't predict what would happen next.

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