34 : No trespassing

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the rain just stopped.
the air smelled of morning and earth.
flowers began to bloom out from the frost,
slowly unraveling their petals.
the path was narrow,
and crowded by the arms of the many trees who lived there.

it was the perfect morning trek.
i wasn't truly expecting to see you lying there,
in the clearing surrounded by bright green grass and sunlight,
right behind the 'no trespassing' sign.
there you were.

i watched you there for a moment, 
listening to you sing a melody i was unfamiliar with.

a warm cup for you and me
steam rolling off your lips
you taste of ginger tea

you caught my gaze for a second,
holding it for a moment.
i felt myself choke back the tears of relief when you smiled.

I've never seen a more beautiful creature.

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