38 : The quiet before

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reading books together,
sitting out by the docks.
it was quiet and sweet.
the air tasted of seaweed and salt,
it tasted of summer.

you were dressed for the occasion,
bathing in the sunlight.
your skin baking golden brown.
your hair seemed brighter,
more golden and less brown.
your cat eye glasses shaded your eyes,
but i knew they were still just as blue as the ocean.

the sand crunched between my toes,
another layer of sunscreen i lathered onto myself.
i could already see myself pinking.
little grains stuck to the white lotion as i rubbed.

when i finished i could see you laughing out of the corner of my eye.


i asked,
raising my eyebrow.

she leaned over her seat.

hold on, let me fix this.

she rubbed my chin and nose,
i felt the sunscreen absorb into my skin,
it was cold and smooth.

your beach hat flapped in the breeze,
you quickly flew your hand to it,
seizing it before the wind could.

we can't go home yet!

you cried out to the wind tormenting us with a smile.

why not?

we haven't even gone in the water!

a grin spread across my face as we both sped towards the waves,
large and haunting,
blue and lovely.

the salty water was cold and sent instant goosebumps up my arms.
the bumps only increased when you jumped in top of me,
forcing me to submerge.

when i came back up i swept you into my arms,
tossing you out farther into the water.
you laughed,
i laughed.

it was too perfect.

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