32 : Bittersweet Babe

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the cafe was quieter than usual.
the lights dim,
the smell of coffee filled the air.
i ordered one,
just the way you like it.

the girl serving me this time was cute,
light brown hair,
big blue eyes.
her apron was tied tightly around her waist.

she reminded me of you.

her smile was warm and comforting,
her lips pink and full.
she batted her lashes as she handed me the cup.
i suddenly forgot about you,
it was the first time.

the girl walked away,
leaving me alone.
my thoughts were clouded by the smell of coffee and cream.

i sat in our booth,
not thinking of you.
i felt so free.

the girl came over again,
a bittersweet smell falling off of her like perfume.

my shift is over,
want to get a bite somewhere else?

i smiled at the girl.

that sounds good.

her and i,
we left together.
we walked into a restaurant,
grilled sandwich menus surrounded me.

we ordered,
we ate,
we left.

i never expected to end up there,
in that girl's room,
kissing her.

she just felt so familiar.
looked so familiar,
but it felt so wrong.
that's when i remembered,
i didn't want her,
i wanted you.

you were my bittersweet babe.

not her.

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