44 : Me

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my Mother and me,
sat on the bench next to the tree.
the shade was nice on such a hot summer day.
i tried to ignore the topic,
but i knew it was approaching.

why did you run away, Jax?

the question made me immediately feel regret,
i struggled to breathe.
you were the only one i'd ever told,
but it was through little notes.
one's that you could hold,
and unfold.

it was after Meg died.
i was lost.
i was broken.
i was hurting.
i didn't think you would understand.
so i ran,
i wanted to find a place where someone could understand,
and i did, recently.
but i pushed them away,
built my walls too high.

you looked sad and confused.
i knew what question was coming next,
and i dreaded it more than the last one.

why did you lie?

i breathed in as much air as i could and pinched the bridge of my nose.
i didn't know how to phrase how i felt.

i didn't want you to think i didn't want you,
didn't care about you.
because i did.
it just hurt to look at you,
because i thought you would hate me if you knew the truth.
now i know,
the truth hurts but it's irreplaceable.

my Mother nodded.
i didn't know what that meant.
and i was too scared to ask.
when she looked up at me with those sad,
sad eyes.
i couldn't help but see Meg,
looking like she did the day she died.
she looked so,
so sad inside.

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