Chapter 5

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“I won’t”, she repeated.
“And why not?”
“That doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is that I am not going to be your Lady and you have to deal with it.” Zelda slowly began to lose her patience. He was not in the position to judge her decision about who she married and who not. It wasn’t like she and Faustus were in a romantical relationship. He had used her like a doll that belonged to him, with which he could play whenever he wanted to, and she had used him. But this needed to stop. Zelda wanted to stop. To stop using and getting used.

The warlock immediately reacted to her harsh words. It took only a rapid move of his hand to position the letter knife from his desk at her throat. The expression on her face quickly changed from shock to disgust.

“Oh please”, she started in a mocking voice. “Contain at least a little of your dignity, will you?”
Her tone drove him over the edge. The knife cut into her skin, hot blood stained her white blouse red. A whimper escaped her mouth, but she stood tall. She would never kneel before him.
“Did you find someone better perhaps? A younger warlock, better looking?” You could clearly hear the threat in his voice as he approached her.
“There is no one”, she assured him. “I can’t marry you because…”
“Because it’s not right! Because you don’t love me.” She leaned closer to him, ignoring the knife drilling even deeper into her skin. “You never have, and I accepted that. No, actually I was glad about it. And now put the bloody knife down before you will regret ever having lifted it against me.”

To her surprise, he did what she demanded and let the letter knife fall to the ground. He stumbled back a few steps to then sit down on his desk, his face buried in his hands. It took a moment for him to look up again.
“Zelda. You must forgi-”
“Forgive you”, she laughed. “No Faustus, no. I don’t think I will do that. And now please excuse me. I have better things to do.” She turned on her heel and left him behind. He didn’t try to stop or follow her. He knew better than that.

Zelda rushed out of the building as fast as she could without tripping over her own feet. “Satan in hell, those heels”, she mumbled. She needed to get home and change into something less bloody. Something that would hide her wound. The witch needed to hurry if she wanted to make it in time. She knew that it probably wasn’t a good idea to go there after what has happened but felt the constant urge to see her. Maybe to feel her again. But she just wanted to talk, needing answers more than anything right now. After arriving at home and deciding on a turtleneck blouse to cover up the surprisingly deep cut, she made her way to Baxter High.


Lilith couldn’t wait to get home. She thought about leaving earlier today but decided against it since she had already left earlier on almost every day of this week and it was Friday. She sighed. When would this day be over? The brunette longed for a hot bath and a glass of wine. Maybe even two. Her duties as the principal were rather easy. It was much better than being one of the regular teachers, actually. They all listened to her and did what she commanded. At the same time that was exactly her problem. They did what she commanded. Without resistance. Where was the fun in that? Lilith really could’ve picked a different victim, other than a high school teacher who had to face mortal teenagers every day, but she had liked her body. Well, except for her taste in clothing of course. If you could even consider it “taste”. She’d had to exchange all the boring woman's sweaters for tight, short dresses and skirts. She also wore her hair in open curls, instead of a strict bun. After her rapid change, the old principal had always tried to get her to have sex with him, so she had decided to kill him. Now, as the new principal, she was again stuck in her office over some paperwork. A soft knock at the door made her roll her eyes in annoyance. What did those mortals want again? “Come in”, she shouted, plastering a fake smile on her face. The smile immediately disappeared when Zelda entered the office. Lilith squinted at her sight.

“Mary. I came to talk.”
“Oh do you now?”
The ginger witch looked glum. “Yes, I do. And I am sorry for what has happened.” She sighed, looked down to the ground, then back at Mary again. “I don’t know what exactly has happened or why it did, but we can’t change it and I can’t seem to forget it.”
A nervous glance appeared in her eyes when Mary remained silent, but quickly changed into anger.
“Oh please. Don’t pretend like I am the only one who made a mistake. I only did what I thought was right.”
“What you thought was right?” Mary’s voice was full of anger. “See, that is your problem. You don’t think.” She lifted herself up from her office chair and walked around the desk. “You don’t do what is right, considering that you are probably already married to that pathetic priest”, she spat.
Zelda’s green eyes rested on her for a few seconds.
“I would never marry Faustus. And you are right, he is pathetic.”
The other woman glared at her in surprise. “You won’t”, she asked astonished.

The ginger didn’t respond, she didn’t need to. Mary watched her closely. Every slightest move she made, clearly feeling a bit uncomfortable in the situation. Suddenly the brunette stepped closer, too close for Zelda’s liking. She remembered the last time Mary came that close to her. She desperately wanted to step back, escape the proximity but again found herself trapped. The wall behind her wouldn’t let her flee. She felt the touch of a hand on her collarbone, softly moving up to her neck.
“Mary what are you-”, she said before her voice cracked. Her turtleneck was gently pulled down to reveal the wound she hadn’t even bothered to cover with a patch earlier. A mix of sadness and anger spread over the other witches’ face. Zelda felt a thumb gently brushing over her skin, causing her shivers down her spine.

“He hurt you”, Mary whispered, slowly removing her hand from Zelda. “I knew he would. I knew he was weak… And he blamed me for not pleasing the Dark Lord and fulfilling his will”, she mumbled, more to herself than to the other woman. That was when it hit her. Everything Mary had said in the past. The way she changed from one day to another. It never made sense to Zelda. Now she understood. Their eyes locked. She felt like everything around her was turning.

“Who are you”, she asked in a low voice.
The brunette looked at her in surprise. Stunned, maybe. “Who am I?” Her blue eyes burned fiercely. “I’m the mother of demons. The dawn of doom. I’m the future queen of hell.”
“Lilith”, Zelda breathed.
She came even closer. “Yes?” Their eyes locked again. Blue met green. Suddenly their bodies collided. The ginger found herself pushed hard against the wall as Lilith pressed her lips against hers. The witch returned the kiss, hungrily licking over the other woman’s bottom lip. She felt the demoness slowly pulling away and immediately reacted. She brought her hand up to her cheek and pulled her close once again. “Not this time”, she whispered against her lips. Lilith’s hands found Zelda’s waist, slowly moving upwards. The ginger felt the hands sliding to her back and under her blouse, making their way up to unclasp her bra. She stopped thinking. Zelda pushed the other woman back, now taking control, and thrusted her into the chair behind them. Just as she wanted to place herself on top of her partner, she felt a sudden grip on her waist as she was lifted up. Lilith set her onto the desk, their lips never separating. Zelda was now purely led by her desire, which gradually grew greater. “I need you to touch me”, she said breathlessly, slightly pulling away, almost whimpering under the sudden loss of contact. The other woman didn’t react at first.
“Oh, do I need to”, she asked, smirking.
She still didn’t move.
“Satan in hell, just do it”, the ginger demanded, now losing her patience. Finally, she felt her skirt being pulled up. Lilith’s fingers slightly brushed over the ginger’s tights, making sure to only slowly tease her. So close but not close enough. Zelda arched her back in need. Eventually, she felt her touch where she wanted it most. She thrusted her head back in pleasure and squeezed her hand onto her mouth as Lilith finally let her experience exquisite ecstasy.

Author's note:

Okay hooooly shoot! Guys we finna did it *cough* more like they did it *cough* ;) This chapter is wayyy longer than the other ones and I actually am planning on making the following chapters about this long as well! I really, really hope you like it so far. You might think this is rushed BUT the drama isn't over and I do have a plan hehe 😌 Stay tuned 🖤
[also, thx sm for 100+ readsssss 🥺]


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