Chapter 1: coming home

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I sat in my room at the Umbrella Academy. Well it wasn't mine. About a year ago my  nutcase of a stepmom had taken me to Toronto, Canada, for a 'family trip' mostly there to gamble and party with a friend of hers who lived in that area. One night, she was about to leave our hotel room, when we got into a fight. Probably the worst one we had in a few months to that time. She slammed the door and left. At that point I decided enough was enough. I walked out of the hotel room, no, ran. Hot tears streamed down my face. It started raining. How cliche. I sat on a bench in front of some building. It had frosted glass doors with umbrella logos on them. Suddenly a chimpanzee opened the door? He was fully clothed, handling a cane and a pair of half-moon glasses. "Hello young lady. Do you need some assistance?" He said. "I-I- wait....are you..talking?!" I ask. "Yes.. it's a long story. You look quite cold. Come in, you can dry off and we'll talk about it." I really didn't trust a talking monkey trying to take me in, but it was starting to thunder, and I had no where else to go. "O-okay." I said, stepping in. It was lavish. We sat down in a set of chairs facing each other. "My name is pogo." He extended his hand " [y/n]" I said, taking the handshake. I talked to him about what happened. "Well Ms. [y/l/n] ,I will be right back." He said, walking up to stairs and to, what I could make out to be, a study. After a few minutes, he came back down. "Sir Hargreeves said he wouldn't mind having you stay here, just as long as you never bother him." Pogo said. This was so bizarre. I was in a manor, talking to a chimp, and he was offering me a place to stay?? "Okay..thank you." Was all I could say. "Follow me." He said, guiding me to a room. It was fairly plain, with a bed, a bookcase, and a closet filled with boys uniforms. "Did someone used to live here?" I asked. "Yes. But he disappeared 15 years, 2 months, and 6 days ago." Pogo said with a sorrowful face. "Oh, I'm so sorry..who?" I asked. "Number Five. You will learn who he is soon enough." He said. "Grace!" He called. A woman with a pink skirt and a white button up walked in, characterized by brown curls and red lipstick popping out against her pale skin. "Yes, pogo? Oh...who is this?" She asked. "This is [y/n] [y/l/n]. She will be staying with us." "Okay" grace turned back to me. "Hello." She said, smiling at me. "Get her some clothes please." Pogo said. "Yes sir." Grace walked out.

That was a year ago. I never really met Mr.Hargreeves, I didn't talk to him, he didn't talk to me. It worked out quite well, we were never bothered. Not much has changed since he died. The sound of writing you here every time you walk past the study has evaded, the slow footsteps during meal time, it was more silenced. The 5 Hargreeves children who were left are supposed to show. I waited until I saw the frosted doors open. "[y/n]?" A very burly man said, walking through the door. "Nice to finally meet you in person Luther." I said. Me and him had been sending messages for the year, after I learned he was in space. I got up and we hugged. We sat down and kept talking, our conversations were much quicker since we weren't voice messaging through space. Soon enough, Allison arrived "Luther? Who is this?" She asked. We explained all about it. It was followed by Klaus, then Vanya, who all asked the same thing. Then.... Diego walked in. "Who the fuck is she?" He pointed. "I-I'm.." he looked scary. "I said WHO THE FU.." " DIEGO." Allison shouted. "She's just a 13 year old girl. Her name is [y/n] and she's been living here." She stated. "Yeah Diego, leave her be." Said Klaus. Diego scowled and went upstairs. I quietly sat in my room. Somewhere in the house, music started playing. I bobbed my head a bit. All the sudden, there was a blue flash. Everyone rushed outside. There was a bright portal. And what came out of it was a....13 year old boy? "Holy shit." I muttered. It's number five.

word count: 750

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