Chapter 3: Growth

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No one's point of view:
   Error rebooted and made it much clear to Fresh to not touch him. Fresh understood but maybe not for long, "Now that you gave Fresh a chance, when will there be a date?!" "I feel like you're making this 'relationship' move to fast, Blue." "Yo dog, what'sa date?" "YOU'VE NEVER HEARD OR BEEN ON A DATE BEFORE?!" "Nah brah, don't now much about this radical weird emotions, blue braski." (I'm doing my best for Fresh ;-;)  "Well then! I'LL SET UP A DATE FOR FOR YOU TWO!" "Does my opinion really not matter?" "NOPE! Now where do you two want your date to be at!? The MAGNIFICENT Sans will be the PERFECT date planner" "Where do ya want it to be glitch bae?" "Why should I select the place?.." "Maybe so Fresh can see what are your interests in places! You know! To know more about you Error!" "Fine.. don't really like a lot of places.. how about Outertale?" "Ok! Don't know what it is, but you can take and I will begin planning" "Ok bae! Watcha be wearing?" "Why not what we usually wear? And blue, I think you should tell your brother that you're coming with us, don't want any trouble." "OH! Ok! I'll tell him! DON'T MOVE!" And with that, Blue ran pff to tell his brother that he is gonna go to plan a date to another AU.  And a awkward silence fell between Error and Fresh.

Error's Point of View:
   I can't actually believe that I'm doing this! I feel like an idiot! I just met the guy and here I am! In a relationship with him! Ugh.. I guess after a while of this I can just break up with him.. But I pretty much promised to give him a chance! UGH! "What do you do for fun?" "I just skate 'round through AU's bae!" "Really, I thought you had an AU. Do you" "Nah.." God, I wonder what happened to him to just say no and stop talking. "Well, um.. Do you wanna tell why you weren't supposed to feel emotions?" Geez, I'm probably making this more awkward. "Nah, just exploring roundabout 'till I caught feelings for ya bae." Gotta admit, even though I hate to, but.. I kinda feel bad for him.. "Look, I gave you a chance, or more like I gave us a chance to be in a relationship. So, I don't want any problems or things that we both believe we can't trust to each other. We can learn on how to make this grow." "Okeh Bae. Like, growing a flower!" "Yep like growing a flower" After that, he blushed in this purple manner and without much time to react. He pulled me to him and kissed me. I blushed in bright yellow on how quick he did it and with no warning. "I see you guys are finally becoming great boyfriends!" I pulled away and crossed my arms by embarrassment but was blushing very hard. "Ya okey bae? Ya turned yellow real whippity quick." "Yes.. I'm fine!" And for a VeRY quick moment.. "By ya beautiful yellow blush, ya look like a star, Bae" "OMG Fresh that was a GREAT and ROMANTIC pickup line!" I blushed even more! I wanted the subject to change.. oh right. "What did your brother say, Blue?" "OH! He said it was fine, but he wanted to tell you this.. 'If you dare hurt my brother or even kidnap him! You shall face my wrath!' I change it a bit to make my bro sound a bit scary! I did it great right!?"

Fresh's Point of View:
   I gotta say, Error is really cute when he blushes. Error opened up the portal to Outertale and we went through. Blue is really excited to plan me and Error's date. I am also pretty excited about the date, and I think Error is falling for me! Maybe not.. maybe just a bit, but that's good enough! "WOW! This place is AMAZING! Really pretty! No wonder you like this place Error!" "It's pretty calming and quiet, the way I like it." Ah.. he likes the calm and quiet. Maybe the void is actually his home! "Howya gonna plan the rad date braski Blue?" "The things here are all I need! I just need some flowers and strings! Can I have some of your strings, Error?" "Sure." He got his strings out and ripped them in long sizes and gave them to blue. "Thanks Error! Now you two love birds stay here and love each other more!" By that, Blue left. "Hey, Fresh..?" "Ya, bae?" "About earlier.. Why did you kissed me?" "Ya was talking about growth glitch bae. I thought a cool kiss from ya bae was gonna make us grow!" I blushed a little, and it was amazing to see Error also blush a bit. "Okay.. fine. Growth. Let's just take this growing little by little." God! He really makes me happy!

End of chapter 3
WOO! Done with another chapter! Making Fresh act Freshy is hard! I'll make another chapter today! But not now since I have chores to do ;-; Bye!

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