Chapter 7: The truth

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Fresh's Point of View:
That... that... that little mother FUCKER! I can't let him tell Error! But, if I interrupt.. Error will tie me in strings again.. All I can do right now is just watch.. watch telling that unradical dude ruining me and Error's love for each other.. for now.. I can watch, and prepare myself to turn that jerk into dust...

Error's Point of View:
I still can't shake the feeling off of me and Ink being watched. "E-error? Are you ok?" "Yea, I'm fine. Now, onto to explaining?" "Ah, yes. I went to ChessTale because I wanted to check up on it. I then heard a scream from. ChessTale!Sans. I saw Fre-" Ink cut himself off but had no reason for me.. I looked at him and I knew he also felted that somebody is here.. watching us. "Hey, Ink! Hurry up! The faster this is, the easier for me to handle this!" "Oh! Right, I saw fresh po-" I flinched a bit by the fact that Ink just got hit in the head by a stick. Me and Ink looked around the area. I knew someone was there alright. "Whoever is there! ReaVel yoUrSelF!" No response. I got my strings ready and Ink got ahold of his brush. "Alright, Ink. Make this quick." "Ok, I saw Fresh possessing another Sans!" I looked at Ink, but I was not given the chance to say or make an expression, because then, blasters fired around Ink and me. I dodged them and already knew who the blasters belonged to. "..Fresh?!" I saw fresh come out of nowhere and attacked Ink. Ink dodged his attacks and tried to keep me safe from fresh. "Leave Error alone!" "Hell naw dawg! Ya crazy if ya thinks imma leave hims withs ya!" Blasters, bones, punches, paint, going everywhere around the area. That's It! I'm going to get my answers one way or another! Even if it means breaking up and being with Ink! I got my strings around the two, again. And this time I was prepared, and with a threat. Even if I don't like my plan. "FrEsH! StOp! If YoU woN't tElL mE aNyThinG, I miGhT aS WeLl leAVE yOu!" With that, Fresh looked hurt, I felted a bit bad, but the feeling went away since my own partner doesn't know how to trust me. He even agreed to make our relationship grow. "B-bae, you donts actually meanz that.. rightskies?.." His freshness is going away a bit. "HeLl, i mEaN iT! ThIs iS noT hOw grOwTh wOrKs, FreSh" Ink just stared at us. He wanted to tell me, but just the look of my face. I only wanted the truth from Fresh himself. If he won't talk, then I'll leave him. I can find someone better, or give up love.

Fresh's Point of View:
Error can't be serious.. right?! He won't leave me! But, he will if I won't talk.. maybe he might even date with this.. Ink guy!! I don't want that to happen! But it will if I don't talk.. but.. he might hate me.. "iF yOu woN'T tAlk.. I'Ll leAvE yOu.. 3.. 2.. 1-" "OK OK I'LL TALKZ" Error looked at me, waiting for me to talk.. I need to take the risk.. "The funker guy already told you about sans.." Error just kept looking at me, and Ink also, with hatred and disgust. "I.. am a parasite.. a fresh parasite.." Error and Ink looked at me with their eye sockets wide. "I possess other sanses.. and I'm not being able to feel emotions.." Error looked at me.. he might as well think I don't love him and that I'm only using him for my next body to possess. "B-but! When I met you, Error. I felted weird, Blue told me why, and I just wanted to be with you,  you made me feel happy!" Error looked at me and Ink. I think, he needs some time, or his cool radical boyfriend to help him.. maybe..

No one's point of view:
   No one said anything else, Error was thinking on what he should do. He got his truth, his answers, Fresh causes chaos. He.. was surprised but, not at the same time. What did Fresh think, that he will hate him? No, but he does have a question for Ink on why he likes him. That was his next and finale question. "Ink, I have a question for you, and I want for you to be honest. Got it?" Ink nodded. "Good, now. Why do you like me?"

End of Chapter 7
Some parts of the Chapter were inspired! By @harrish6
and his/hers book is called "You're not alone" I really recommend to read it! They were the reason I started to make a book! Please check them out! Bye!

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