Chapter 8: Too bad

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Fresh's Point of View:
D-did.. Did Error just asked Ink on why he liked him?! I obviously got jealous and angry and just wanted to turn the dawg into dust! Error will be and is mah bae! I won't let that boost take Error AWAY from me! Error must not pick him! He must know that I love him dearly! I just want to beg Error to just stay with me forever! I don't want him to leave me.. I don't want to feel hurt.. I love him..

Error's Point of View:
   Just I asked the question to Ink, I could tell he was blushing, and I could tell Fresh didn't like the question at all. But, I must know why, or I'll just stay with Fresh and just settle the case and boom. Problem solved and hope that at least! Majority of my problems right now will go away! Well, isn't Ink going to answer? "Hey, Ink! You good? 'Cause I don't have time to stand here all dAy!" ".. I like you because.." God, he blushes REAL hard! He looks like an actual rainbow! I just wanna laugh at him on how stupid he looks! (XD I hate me self lol) "I like you because you are really good.. when we sometimes hanged out, you were very nice! I knew you could just be perfect! I thought that you could change! That you could be better! So, I tried to-" "ok, ok! Stop! So, you only liked me, it's because you knew that I could change into someone better? Like what? Spare the AU's?" Ink, looked a bit regretful of the choice of his words. "N-no! I- I knew you could just be nice and learn on how to-!" "Just- Stop. I've heard enough." I let go of Fresh and Ink. "So, you only liked me to be better?" "N-NO! That's not what I-!" "Ink, I knew what you meant. And here I though Fresh was doing something more stupid." I saw some confusion, but a little relief look on Fresh's face. I think he also blushed. "Ink, did you really forget on what my job is? Destroy, and cause chaos. That's pretty much the same thing Fresh does!" "Bu-But I knew tha-!" "Heh, I guess it's too bad for you Ink. I choose.. Fresh." Just saying the words of me choosing Fresh makes me blush and I cringed on how I had the bones to say it. But, I guess.. that's what love does..
No one's Point of View:
  Fresh was surprised and gave Error a BIG hug! Ink, just couldn't believe what was happening. 'D-did Error just chose.. HIM!?' Ink wanted to just turn the colorful ugly parasite into dust! But he held back his anger since he knew already what was his answer. No. "Fresh! Let go of me!" Error was blushing by the sudden hug. He tried to hide it but Fresh already knew he was blushing. "Naw bae! You just rock!" "Can we just go?!" "Sure bae!" Fresh was very happy! He just didn't think that Error was going to actually pick him! Error opened up a portal to the Anti-Void and step through. "Are you coming?" "Ya bae! Just, givez me'z a moment!" Error looked at him in confusion, but shrugged it off and kept walking in the void. Fresh step through the portal, and just looked at Ink. "Y-you will be stopped!" "Dawg. Didn'tz ya hear Error?" With an evil smirk. Fresh said his words as goodbyes. "It was actually 'too bad' for you.. Ink." and with that, the portal closed. Leaving a heart broken Ink, in the AU. With no glitched partner by his side.

End of Chapter 8
This was actually a much more story than what I usually write.. but whatever! I was running out of ideas of battle scenes and creative thought! I would like to say thank you for reading! I've had gotten a little better since my first chapter! I just think 3rd point of view is a better fit for me, but I'll just roll the roll. And I should get some sleep since it is currently the middle of the night, bye! <3

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