Unforeseen Consequences

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In an alternate future timeline in the past... (If that makes sense, which it probably doesn't...)


There was a trio of lovers, Luna, Raiko, and Clark. These three love each other very much and would do anything to protect each other. However... A few years ago in the year 2031, something terrible happened to the wolfal... Her parents were killed by an evil and merciless hedgehog known as Nazo. This affected her greatly, but she was taken care of by Machito and his family, but one day in 2035, Luna had had enough. She wanted to fix the awful fate her parents had suffered, and so she did. She went back in time to 2019 and saved her parents from a devastating end... While this would greatly change the timeline forever, it would also bring dire consequences in the future...


Moving on to the present day, Luna grunted and sat down on a bench as she held her head.

Luna: N-ngh...

Raiko: Huh? Luna! Are you okay?

Luna: Y-yeah... Just... Went through some bad flashbacks...

Raiko realized what the wolfal was talking about and sighed. She sat down next to Luna and kissed her on the cheek.

Raiko: It's what happened back in our home timeline, isn't it?

Luna: Yeah... Prixie... Mom and dad dying... It still haunts me.

Raiko lifted Luna's chin up and ran her hand through the wolfal's fur to calm her down.

Raiko: And you stopped that from happening, Luna... Please... Forget what happened back in that timeline... It may still exist in another future, but it's one that will never happen because of your actions.

Luna smiled at her lover and the two hugged.

Luna: Hehe... Yeah, thanks Raiko...

Raiko: You're welcome, Luna. Come on, we should head back home, it's getting late.

Luna nodded and the two walked off into the night, but were oblivious to a pair of glowing red eyes watching them from a pitch black alleyway.

???: I've found her... At last...! Master Dargovrah will be so happy to hear this...

The being walked out of the darkness... Revealing a dark version of Crystal.

Shadow Crystal: Master Dargovrah! Come forth, I bring great news!

A cloud of silver smoke appeared and formed the shape of a person, that being Dargovrah.

Dargovrah: Oh? What is it, my accomplice?

Shadow Crystal: ...Master... I found her.

Dargovrah: W-what...?! You did?!

Shadow Crystal: Yes... Luna the Wolfal, daughter of Infinite and Crystal.

Dargovrah: Finally... After all this time... I can exact my revenge on not one person... But TWO people! 

Shadow Crystal: Huh? "Two?" Master, what do you mean?

Dargovrah: It seems I haven't told you who I really am, my accomplice. Worry not, that shall soon come... For now, we set our plan in action. 

Shadow Crystal: Alright.

Dargovrah: My accomplice, stay in this timeline while I do my work. I will grant you... A couple of allies.

Dargovrah clicked his fingers and a rift opened up, then two VERY familiar faces jumped out of the rift, those being Xeggy and Wario-Man, but surrounded in a dark and sinister aura...

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