Mini Chapter: Origins

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MUI Infinite took a few steps back, completely baffled by what Dargovrah just said.

MUI Infinite: ...Y-you're... Shadownova's son...?!

Dargovrah: Must I repeat it a second time, you idiot?

MUI Infinite: ...But... I thought Diamond and Temnota were the only two...!

Dargovrah: No. I was created at the same time she was, but however... I was born with these abilities, abilities that could bend and break the very laws of time. GodJackal, Omega Star, Zeryn, and Eileamaid foresaw that I would use these for evil in a few million years, so GodJackal put a stop to that and sealed me away in another dimension... This is another reason why my father went on that rampage I heard so much about. Then I heard about all of his amazing acts, but learning of my father... Dying... Due to the beings that called themselves the "Multiversal Heroes"... Rage boiled within me, and I did everything in my power to escape the dimension I was sealed in for trillions of years. I succeeded, and I decided that I would use my time bending powers to erase THIS timeline and create an entire new one... One where your daughter Luna and the rest of those horrific time travellers would not interfere.

MUI Infinite: Wait... Are you saying that-

Dargovrah: Your daughter is a massive criminal in my eyes. She... Changed such an important part in time that changed not only this Multiverse's history, but the rest of the Omniverse. You and your wife were supposed to die by that hedgehog known as Nazo, but your daughter came back from 2035 and changed everything... Tsk tsk... When I have my revenge on you and the rest of your pathetic allies for destroying my father, I will trap Luna in a place where she'll never see the light of day again, followed by endless torture for her crimes.

MUI Infinite clenched his hand into a fist and lifted the Jackal's Death Blade up.

MUI Infinite: Not on my watch...! Luna's already suffered enough, and so has the rest of my family...!

Dargovrah: Does it look like I have a care? Now... Shadow Crystal!

Shadow Crystal appeared next to Dargovrah and held her hands into the air.

Dargovrah: Let's bring an ally of my father's back from the dead, shall we?

Shadow Crystal giggled evilly as some metallic parts started coming together, followed by two arms, two legs, and a head.

MUI Infinite: Wait a minute... *Eyes widen* HEY! NOT SO FAST!

Dargovrah stopped the jackal with one flick to the nose, sending MUI Infinite flying through a building.

MUI Infinite: Ngh...! What the hell...?! One flick... Did that?!

Shadow Crystal: Master Dargovrah, it's done!

Dargovrah: Good...

The robot's eyes glowed as it lifted it's head up.

Metal Infinite: Rebooting... 

Dargovrah: Very nice, it works! 

Metal Infinite: Scanning... W-wait... Dargovrah?!

Dargovrah: Oh, it looks like it recognizes me.

Metal Infinite: Lord Shadownova... Told me about you... How are you here? In fact, where is Lord Shadownova himself?

Shadow Crystal: ...

Dargovrah: ...He is dead.

Metal Infinite: ...No... Impossible!

Dargovrah: But worry not, for we shall avenge him and bring him back from the dead once this timeline has been erased, and a new one will bloom, free of conflict.

Metal Infinite: Very well... Master Dargovrah. 

MUI Infinite covered his bleeding nose and got up from the ground.

MUI Infinite: Fuck... This isn't good.

Dargovrah: In fact, allow me to do something for you, Metal Infinite.

Metal Infinite: Hmm?

Dargovrah held his hand out and sent a ton of sinister energy into the robot jackal, which powered him up greatly.

Metal Infinite: ...Very well... It looks like it is time to exterminate some fiends... For Lord Shadownova!-

A rocket flew at Metal Infinite and exploded, making the robot fall to the ground hard.

Metal Infinite: OOF!

Dargovrah: What?!

Shadow Crystal: Who dares?!

???: Allow me.

MUI Infinite: Ah... The T-750.

The T-750 dropped the rocket launcher in it's hands and grabbed Metal Infinite by the neck.

Dargovrah: Argh, I forgot about that fiend they had!

Shadow Crystal: No worries... I'm sure Metal Infinite will be able to take care of that inferior robot with no problems at all.

Metal Infinite's arm turned into a flamethrower, but the T-750 quickly reacted and shot the gas tank on the weapon with a pistol, causing it to explode and sent both robots onto their backs, leaving the T-750 with slight burn wounds on it's face. 

Metal Infinite: Grrr...

T-750: You will be terminated.

Metal Infinite: Don't get cocky, rustbucket. There are other machines out there greater than you, such as myself.

The two robots approached each other and a big fight ensued.

Dargovrah: Hmph! Shadow Crystal, take care of the canine. 

Shadow Crystal: Sure-

Smesh and Cristina flew up beside MUI Infinite.

Smesh: Uh uh uh, Infinite's getting some help!

Shadow Crystal: Three against one? I'll test my luck.

Cristina: *Cracks her knuckles* Let's take care of this faker.

Dargovrah: Heh heh heh... I wish you luck, my accomplice. *Vanishes*

Shadow Crystal: Bring it on, fools.

Smesh's eyes glowed silver as a godly aura surrounded him.

UI Smesh: As you wish!

Cristina activated Super Viral Fury and got into a stance.

SFV Cristina: Let's go!

MUI Infinite: *Chuckle*

MUI Infinite, UI Smesh and SFV Cristina flew at Shadow Crystal, as she summoned her Sinister Blade of Evil and got in a stance too.

Shadow Crystal: Let's see your power!

(...This won't be easy to deal with...)

Anyways, lata!

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