Rifts Throughout Time

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SFV Cristina: There's only one Crystal and one Crystal only!

Shadow Crystal: Hehe...

Shadow Crystal dodged SFV Cristina's attacks, then teleported behind the gamer girl and whacked her hard in the face.

SFV Cristina: OOF! *Holds her face*

UI Smesh: Hands off my Cristie, faker!

UI Smesh grabbed Shadow Crystal's arms and rammed her into the ground.

Shadow Crystal: Ngh! Get off, you weakling! *Kicks UI Smesh in the pingas*


Shadow Crystal: *Punches UI Smesh in the stomach*

UI Smesh: GAH!

Shadow Crystal: Begone, you fiend!

Shadow Crystal hit UI Smesh with a wave of dark lightning, launching him far off into the distance.

SFV Cristina: Smesh!

Shadow Crystal: Hmph. What an annoyance. 

SFV Cristina: Grrr... 

MUI Infinite appeared behind Shadow Crystal and sliced her tail off.

Shadow Crystal: EEK!!!

MUI Infinite: There goes the tail!

Shadow Crystal: ...You fool.

Shadow Crystals tail regenerated, but then a second one appeared.

MUI Infinite: Wait, what? O_O

Shadow Crystal spun around and hit the jackal multiple times in the face with her tails.

MUI Infinite: OOF! OW! AGH!

SFV Cristina: Enough of that!-

Shadow Crystal grabbed SFV Cristina by the neck and sent her flying with a blast of energy.

SFV Cristina: WHOA!

Shadow Crystal: Now, for you-

MUI Infinite yelled and activated Jackal's Wrath x50.

Shadow Crystal: H-huh?!

MUIJWX50 Infinite: Heh heh... Now, let's get down to business.

Shadow Crystal: Before we do, allow me to transform-

???: Uh uh uh, not so damn fast!

Shadow Crystal: What-

Brodsk8r rushed in at the speed of light and kicked Shadow Crystal away.

MUIJWX50 Infinite: Oh!

Brodsk8r: Hey, Infinite! Long time no see. Dealing with those pesky villains again?

MUIJWX50 Infinite: Mmhmm! 

Shadow Crystal: Grrr... 

UI Smesh and SFV Cristina flew back to the jackal, slightly wounded.

Shadow Crystal: Damn...  

UI Smesh: It'll take a bit more than that to take us down.

SFV Cristina: Yep.

Shadow Crystal: I'll need some allies... Hey, you villains down there-

Super Amethyst: All done...

Super Crystal sliced Novius in half and obliterated him with a wave of red lightning.

Guht: Oh, damn!

Fer: ... *Holds up a sign* Ten outta ten! :D

Shadow Crystal: Ngh...! Not good...

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