Diving Into The Past

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Turlandb gasped and sensed something very wrong within his mind.

Laura: Dad? What's wrong?

Turlandb: ...T-they... They killed Infinite...! In his childhood days...!

VF Cristina growled as sparks started to come out of her Omega Game Gauntlet V.

Jacqueline: C-Cristina! C-calm down, please...

VF Cristina: I'm gonna kill Dargovrah...! 

Luna: ...No, we can fix this! 

 Crystal: H-huh...?

Infinitia: How so?

Amethyst: ... *Smiles* We go back in time again!

Jacqueline: Whaddya mean, though-

Luna: But to BEFORE they killed dad as a child.

Turlandb: Oh, smart thinking, Luna!

Brodsk8r: Let's hurry!

Luna set the time on the Tardis and it started travelling through time again, to before Dargovrah and his allies got into the past. Speaking of which, the villains arrived in the past and prepared to search for Child Infinite, but Dargovrah stopped in his tracks.

Dargovrah: ...

Shadow Crystal: Master, is something wrong?

Dargovrah: They're coming. I can sense them.

Shadow Crystal: The heroes?

Dargovrah: Yes. *Smiles* No matter. Even if they DO stop their beloved Hero of the Multiverse from being erased from history... It's not going to matter for my plan. 

Shadow Crystal: Oooooh.

Flesh, Toxica, Metal Infinite and Infinite.exe flew over to the two villains.

Toxica: Did we hear that right?

Flesh: *Finishes snacking on an arm* Those heroes are coming to stop us? Hah!

Infinite.exe: *Lifts up his hands* It's time for me to use the power Shadownova gave to me.

Metal Infinite: Be ready.

Dargovrah: These heroes shall pay... They've only brought the inevitable upon us, but if I can bring my father back, then the inevitable can be delayed and all will be saved.

Flesh: ...Hmph... I can see why you hate these bunch of individuals. All they care about is fighting.

Toxica: And they took away Shadownova's New Era with no mercy at all... How selfish and heartless.

Francis (Anime Cartel): That won't matter soon enough. We'll all rule the world and show what happens when they mess with anime!

Infinite.exe: ...

Flesh: ...

Toxica: ...

Shadow Crystal: Yo, is this person fuckin' retarded-

The Tardis came out of nowhere and squashed Francis (Anime Cartel) like a bug.


Dargovrah: Ah, they're here! Me and Shadow Crystal shall try and find the Infinite of the past here, you four keep them distracted.

Flesh: *Heavy voice* Very well!

Dargovrah grabbed Shadow Crystal and vanished with her.

Francis (Anime Cartel): I've fallen, and I can't get up!

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