Inko Midoriya

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Bold= Authors note or something different you'll see when you get there.
Italics= Pov switch or time skip
3rd person pov:
"Mama! Computer time, computer time!" Four year old Izuku was running down the stairs after his nap. He got down the stairs and ran into the kitchen to see the last thing any kid would expect to see. His smile dropped. There was blood everywhere and his mothers corpse laying on the ground with a knife in her chest and one in her stomach.


Time skip brought to you by... Me! Betcha didn't expect that! (Izuku is now 10)

Ever since then Izuku has gotten nightmares almost every night. He hated his father but he couldn't escape or tell anyone. His psychopathic father was abusing him. "Izuuuukuuuu~" Izuku was snapped out of his thought by the sound of his fathers voice and footsteps. Izuku panicked. He had to find somewhere to hide and he had to find it now. He ran over to his closet and hid in the corner, behind his clothes. He heard his door slam open, making him flinch. His dad looked around for him in his room.

"Izuuu -hic- kuuuuuuu"
His father was walking in his direction.
"Izuuukuuuuuu? Little bunny~"
His father pulled a few shirts out of his closet and dropped them onto the floor.
"You can't -hic- hide from master, Bunny~"
He pulled out a few more shirts
"Where aaaaare -hic- you?"
He pulled out the last few shirts.
"Found you, Bunny~"

He found him. He grabbed Izuku's hair and pulled his head up so Izuku was looking at him. He gave a sick smile at his son's terrified expression as he pulled Izuku by the hair onto his bed. He grabbed handcuffs and chained his son to his bedpost. "D-Dad... no.." Izuku whispered. "I told you to call me master, you little shit." His dad said as he undressed himself and his son. "Your punishment is only going to get worse." He said as a smile formed on his face. "Slut." He yelled as he proceeded to rape Izuku.

I am NOT writing rape in detail, I'd rather die.

Hisashi left Izuku after about 30 minutes. Izuku took a shower and cried for the next hour before drifting off to sleep.

That was Izuku's life most of the time and he just got his usual beatings when he got home from school and every morning.

Another time skip! Yayyyyyy Izuku is now 12! Don't judge me for the time skips I'm lazy T-T

Izuku woke up in pain, as usual. He got dressed and snuck down the stairs, successfully avoiding his father and he ran out of the door before his dad saw him. He got to school and that day they were getting their tests from last week back. Izuku was excited because he studied hard and tried his hardest on this test. He truly believed he was going to get 100%, if he did, he was hoping his dad wouldn't hurt him as bad, his father knew he was getting his test back today. He was smiling, his head raised high, excitement bubbling inside of him and only getting stronger every time the teacher gets near his seat. His teacher handed him his test and walked away.


His eyes widened and his smile dropped. He laid his test back on his desk as he held back tears from falling out of his eyes. He knows what happens when he gets a low grade. The rest of the day was Izuku praying and hoping his dad wouldn't be in a bad mood. He was on the way home when he heard laughing behind him. He turned around. Just when he thought it couldn't get worse. "Hey Deku, Do you still want to be a hero? How about you just die instead, you're only a helpless loser, after all!"
Bakugo yelled out as his friends laughed. Deku just looked down and tried to walk away. He didn't want to deal with this right now.

He thought they would leave but he heard footsteps behind him and he turned around just as someone's fist met his face. He fell back and looked up to see an infuriated Bakugo. He got a kick to the stomach and an explosion near his shoulder then Bakugo just walked away, laughing. His friends walked up to Izuku and beat the crap out of him for about ten minutes. He walked- no, limped home and made it back after twenty minutes of falling, getting up, walking, and falling again. He was very late and was terrified. He held his test tight in his hand as he opened his door. He father immediately got up and walked up to him. "Give me your test."

Izuku's pov:
I gave him my test with a shaky hand. 'Stop shaking!' I thought as he scanned the page for the grade. When he saw the 72% I saw anger flicker in his eyes. He ripped the test and dropped it on the ground. He looked at me while I stepped back.


He slapped me. Out of nowhere he has a bottle and immediately smashed it onto my head. I fell onto the ground but he grabbed my hair and pulled me to the basement. Tears I've tried to hold back spilled down my eyes, making him even more upset. Once we got to the basement he grabbed his knife and slashed many parts of my body then stepped on them. After kicking me until I was bleeding, wheezing, and gasping for air he pulled me into the dark box. "N-No!" I yelled and immediately regretted it. He brought his face inches away from my head and said "For that, an extra two days and you're missing school."

He then threw me in the fridge called the dark box and locked the four locks on it. It was pitch black, I was hyperventilating, I hate tight spaces and this box, I felt like someone was watching me in the dark, I tried to claw my way out, but to no avail. I kept trying to get out and heard screaming. Wait.. that's me.. I started crying and shaking. I can't take this. It's cold, it's dark, I'm scared... Please get me out of here.

Four days later

I've waited all day to get out and finally when the locks clicked and door opened I tumbled out, enjoying the light. I looked around but my 'father' wasn't there. I looked around the house and he wasn't there. I felt a wave of relief washing over me. I was about to go into my excuse of a room until I saw a note on the counter. I walked over and read it.

'I'm leaving, bitch. I'm not coming back and haven't paid the bills so have fun living in the streets.'

He's leaving..? I smiled, but then my smile dropped. 'Where will I be able to live?'

1167 Words! Hell yeah! Hope you guys liked the chapter! Haha have fun with the cliffhanger! MuAhAHaaAaA -Author

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