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Hey! It took me a solid two minutes to come up with the name of this chapter, lmao. Oh and btw the spaghetti was just amazing! Anyways enjoy this chapterrrrr!

Aizawa's pov:

"Oh my... Shota, please come in here." Recovery girl spoke out from the room where she was tending to Izuku's wounds after he passed out when I was taking him back. I walked in and looked at Izuku, his shirt was off and I saw the large bruise he had. That, of course, wasn't all I noticed. I saw his old scars from his past experiences. But I realize how thin he is. You could see his ribs, wrist bones, and collar bones easily. I looked at his wrists and saw probably hundreds of new and old scars that were definitely self-Inflicted. How did I not notice this.. it's my fault for not noticing. I think i'm going to ask about it when we get home.

Time skip brought to you by Aizawa' s 64th cup of coffee this week/
Izuku's pov:

I woke up and the pain in my body was gone. I looked down at my torso, and saw I had bandages on my arms and my chest where Kacch- KATSUKI stepped on me. Wait... my arms? They must have saw... No... I look over and see Dadzawa asleep. I start to feel dizzy. Why did they have to see? They're going to laugh at me like my dad did when I was a kid... Why? I can't breathe... I'm going to die... Why me?!

Nobody's pov:

Izuku was gasping for air and scratching on the cuts down his thighs. He put his hands over his mouth and shut his eyes tightly. He heard a rapid beeping noise and it echoed through his head as he started pulling on his hair. He could barely see and was shaking quickly. He was about to pass out when he felt an arm on his shoulder. He darted his head that way, terrified, and saw Aizawa. But before Aizawa can ask to hug him, Izuku almost jumped on Aizawa and hugged him tightly, sobbing into his shoulder, shaking and breathing unevenly. Aizawa wrapped his arm around the boy and hugged him back. After a bit, Izuku calmed down and sat back on the bed. He kept his head low and he was still trembling a bit.

"Izuku, are you okay talking about it right now?" Aizawa asked. He knew not to talk about something Izuku was clearly uncomfortable with at the wrong time. Izuku hesitantly nodded. "I'm worried about you and I only want to help, so can I please know.. Do you hurt yourself?" He slowly asked. Izuku nodded, refusing to look at anything other than his hand which was suddenly oh so interesting. Aizawa slowly grabbed his hand. "What do you think makes you have the urge to do it?" He asked, trying not to overwhelm Izuku with questions.

"I... I.... It's my f-fault. If I-.. If I was strong enough... A-And had a quirk.... My dad would've loved me. A-And.. I.... I'm only a burden to you and Dadmic... I feel... I feel bad that y-you guys have t-to s-see my d-disgusting body... and hear my- my s-stupid voice and p-personality... And I'm... I feel so... so numb... And I just want to feel something... I'm useless."

Aizawa took a second to process what he just said. Izuku has been through so, so much. He blames himself for it all, and now he's insecure. He said he felt numb... Aizawa pulled Izuku into another hug. After a while, Izuku was completely calm and he felt weirdly numb but not sad, not happy either. But it was a relief, to say the least. After they talked about it, Aizawa suggested therapy and Izuku agreed.

Time skip to the day they got the UA letter/
Izuku's pov:

I was staring in the mirror, noticing everything. From my stupid hair, annoying freckles, large eyes, and disgusting body. I promised to eat more and I am but half of the time I throw it back up. I'm not skinny enough. Why am I-


I heard a loud squeal. I run down to see Dadmic with a letter. "W-What's wrong?" I ask. I'm a little proud that my stutter has started to get better. But sometimes it is even worse than before. "IZUKU! YOUR LETTER FROM UA!" Dadmic yelled. I flinched and took a step back. "Oh- Sorry, Izuku!" Dadmic said. His habit of using his quirk sometimes makes me flinch... "I-It's okay!" I say, with a small chuckle. Dadmic smiled, as if he were proud. I was confused before realizing that I haven't laughed almost at all since Dadmic and Dadzawa adopted me, and the only laughs were small chuckles... Maybe I am getting better.

I walk over and grab the letter. I see Dadzawa walk in and I wave to him, letter in my hand. He gave a small smile and walked over as I opened the letter. A small device fell out. Before I got to reach it, a screen appeared in the air from it. "I am here as a projection!" All might yelled, making me flinch a little. 'Wait... All might? Isn't this from UA?' I thought. "Even though you passed the written exam, you only got a few points on the practical exam, of course, that means you didn't pass." All might said in a defeated voice. 'I know... It's all I've been thinking about..' I think. "..If that's all there was to it." He said. I looked up. "W-What..?" I whisper. "But first.. Look at this video!" All might said. "I-It's that n-nice girl.." I whispered to myself, my dads probably heard me.

'She wanted to give me her points..?'.. "The entrance exam last week wasn't only graded on villain points!" All might said in a proud voice. I gasped... 'Really?'.

"How can a hero course reject people who save others and do the right thing? Call that lip service? Bring it on! This is a job that requires risking one's life to put that lip service into practice! That's why we have rescue points! Izuku Aizawa, sixty points!" All might's words rang through my head. It showed how many points me and the girl had. "You both pass!" He said.

"T-This is t-too crazy..." I said, almost crying.
"Come, young Aizawa. This is your hero academia!" He said. I feel my eyes getting wet, but I smile, feeling my dads hands on my shoulders, and say

"Y-Yes sir!"

Wow! CrAzY rIgHt? Lol. Anyways, sorry it took so gosh darn long to get this chapter out, I haven't been the most motivated these past few days. But I think today I'm getting better! I mean- I was even motivated enough to do my school, without complaining! 😂 But anyways, I hope you guys have a great day!❤️

-1114 words!-

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