Thanks for the idea, Kaachan!

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Hey everyone! Thank you all so much for waiting. I feel terrible about how long of a break I took but now I'm more motivated to continue writing than ever! Enjoy this chapter!

Izuku's pov:

We all walked onto the sports festival area as I could feel my heat beating insanely fast. As we all stood there, the R Rated hero midnight announced the sports festival. "And for the student pledge, we have Katsuki Bakugo!" She yelled. I tensed up more, he could say something offensive and the other classes are gonna hate us all. We all stared nervously as Bakugo stopped walking to the microphone. "I just wanna say... I'm gonna win." Bakugo says. I nearly scream as everyone yells at him.

The first game. An obstacle race. Midnight explained the course as I just got more anxious. Everyone stood in front of the large gate, "Begin!" She yells. Everyone, including me, starts running. When we got out of the tunnel most of us got past Todoroki's ice. I yelled as the robots from the entrance exam showed up, blocking us all. We all panicked until Todoroki froze the robots, causing them to fall toward us. Only two people with hardening quirks got crushed but they were okay. We all stood there, in front of the now unfrozen robots. I stood in a battle stance, shaking. Cmon.. what do I do?

Out of nowhere an explosion came behind me. Almost as if it were second-nature, I put my arms in front of my head, ready to block myself. When I looked up I saw Bakugo blasting himself to the top of the robot then behind. Soon enough a lot of people started using their quirks to get past the robots. I floated one robot to the side and Saw a piece of a robot that Todoroki knocked down. I picked it up and ran with it. I couldn't use my quirk at the moment so when the robot tried to punch me, I knocked the arm off.

I kept running and avoiding flying objects or hits. Once there was a clear path from the robots, everyone started running past them. Once I got to the next obstacle, I used my quirk to fly myself over across the string. I did feel slightly sore after but ignored it, it didn't hurt much, really. Soon enough I got to the minefields.

Crap. They're so far ahead.... but- no. "This isn't over yet!" I yelled, slamming the piece of the robot into the ground, starting to dig out the mines and put them in a pile. "Thanks for the idea, Kaachan!" I yelled, slamming myself into the pile with the piece as a shield, propelling myself into the lead. Crap.. crap... I didn't think about how I was gonna land! Soon I noticed that kaachan and todoroki were chasing me... this is bad.. after a few seconds they start to get a head of me. Wait.. I have a chance. I propelled myself around, used Todoroki's and Bakugos backs to get ready to propel myself, slammed the robot piece down, and ran. Soon enough...

I won.

I stood there, taking in the fact that people are appreciating me, clapping for me. I felt myself tear up and looked over to see my dads clapping. That's when my knees buckled and I fell. I sat there crying until someone came over and I calmed down.

"Deku! That was amazing!" Uraraka said from behind me. "O-oh t-thank you!" I replied. "I can't believe you got first place, I'm jealoussss!" Uraraka said, smiling. "U-uh it w-was nothing.." I said, hiding behind my arm.. it's not like I had a big plan or anything. I tried a few things that worked out better than I could have hoped for. Any of those gambled could have gone wrong. I was just lucky, that's all. My real ability will be texted after this. What comes next? After the scores were shown, midnight started talking again.

"Only the top 42 will advance to the next round. But don't be too let down if you didn't make the cut! We've prepared other opportunities for you to shine. Now the real fun is about to begin. The chances to fully move yourselves into the limelight! Give it your best!" I can almost feel how mad bakugo is going to be at me.

Nobody's pov(different? I know):

"Let's see what we have in store for you next. Will your wildest fantasies come to life? What could it be? The waiting is torture. Prepare yourselves... for this!" Midnight yelled as she pointed her whip(?) to the screen. It landed on cavalry battle. "Cavalry battle? I'm terrible at those." Kamanari said, groaning slightly. "Huh? It's not an individual event, I wonder how they'll split us up." Tsuyu muttered, her finger placed under the side of her mouth. "Allow me to explain" midnight started. "The participants will form teams of two-to-four people as they see fit. In theory, it's basically the same as a regular playground game. But there is one difference. Each played has been assigned a point value based on the results from the obstacle course."

Everyone stared. "I get it, a point-based system like the entrance exams. That seems pretty simple." Sato(I literally had to look up his name bc I forgot It) muttered.

"So that means each team will have a different point value based on which students are on it." Uraraka said, "Uh-huh!" Mina exclaimed, pointing her fingers at Uraraka. "Maybe yo should shut up and let me explain things to you!" Midnight yelled. Izuku flinched. He didn't know if it was a coincidence that his father said those exact words to him once. "Now, then. The point assignments go up by increments of five, staring from the bottom. For example, 42nd place is worth five points, and 41st is worth ten. And the point value assigned to the first place contestant is... ten million!" Izuku felt everyone stand at him and his anxiety spiked up. It felt like middle school. 'Ten million?' He thought.

Meanwhile with eraser and mic

"Crap. This is why I asked Izuku if he didn't want to be in the sports festival. He might have been close to a panic attack all day but this just confirms it." Aizawa said to Hizashi. Hizashi nodded. "Man, I hope he'll be okay..." Hizashi muttered.

Ok back to normal now

"That's right. It's survival of the fittest for those to overthrow the top!

Holy CRAP you guys! 4K reads??? I'm gonna go insane I swear- I'm so glad people are enjoying my story. At first it was just a way for me to feel better bc writing fanfics makes me just happy. And now it's became like,, a thing! Honestly I thank everyone who's read my story. I'm sorry about my break but I'm back. And I hope you guys aren't upset with me or anything. I'll be making each of my chapters after this around 1500 or more words long for while to make up for it. (My chapters are usually around like 800-1200 words) I hope you guys have a lovely day, peace!
1096 words—

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