Chapter 2

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"Is this necessary?" Sabrina asked in annoyance as her bound hands were now connected to Lincoln's left wrist by a metre and a half length of rope.

The two other men were asleep, their deep snores filling the cold dark night from their bedrooms on the other side of the crackling fire.

"I don't want you running off in the middle of the night." He said seriously as he sunk down onto his bed roll, his movements slow and weary.

"So what will you demand from Rylan?" She asked him, "What price have you put on me?" She added as she sat on the small blanket he had set out for her.

"Go to sleep." He told her as he kicked his boots off.

"But I'm hungry." Sabrina protested to him.

"You had jerky." He laid out and put his arms behind his head, making the rope pull her just slightly from her spot.

She frowned at that and jerked her hands, pulling his arm out from under him.

He sat up fast, his hat knocking off his head as he did so. Piercing grey eyes that shined with annoyance locked onto her. Lincoln was a ruggedly handsome man, a strong jaw was shaded with a thin dark brown beard and his hair was a bit too long for her liking but he smoothed the mess back with his free hand. "Are you going to be a pest all night?" Lincoln remarked as he picked up his hat.

"My hands have been bound all day." Sabrina grumbled. "The least you can do is talk to me." She explained to him.

"Woman I'm tired. Just go to sleep." He laid back down and set his hat over his face as if he was shutting her out.

Leaning over to the edge of the thin blanket, she managed to pick up a small pebble and tossed it at him. The smooth rock landed on the brim of his hat with a soft thud before rolling down the side of it onto his broad chest.

His chest expanded before deflating as he exhaled loudly, "Go to sleep." He said sternly.

"I don't want to." She reached over for another rock and managed to toss it with both hands to land on his hat. The next four bounced off and landed around him.

Surprisingly he had the patience of a saint and obviously the rocks weren't working. Chewing on her bottom lip, she wiggled over and grabbed his thick leather boot that he had left within her reach.

The burnt through sticks snapped once the his boot landed in the fire,causing embers to shoot out the sides and she tried to contain her amusement at Lincoln's surprised shout as he scurried to fish his boot out of the fire.

He sat back and moved his boots out of her reach before turning to face her, his handsome grey eyes staring in disbelief. "Honestly woman,are you asking to be shot?!" He said in exasperation.

Sabrina drew her knees up and lent on them, "I've already been shot, I wouldn't recommend it." She said simply.

"Why won't you go to sleep?" Lincoln asked with a scowl. "Do you always torment your captors?" He asked her.

"I don't want to go to sleep and as far as captors are pretty useless at this." She told him. "So what did my father do to you that caused you to go on a quest for revenge?" She asked him.

"Go to bed Miss Greco." Lincoln shifted back on his bed roll, picking up his hat as he did so.

Instantly she noticed his hat was in the hand that was connected to her and she quickly jerked the rope, causing it to fly out of his hand.

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