Chapter 6

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"Anxious?" Pat asked as she paced the room.

"More than anxious, I left him with Jesse Hawk, he's almost as well known as my father. They used to be partners when they were younger?!" Sabrina said in exasperation as she twisted her fingers as she looked towards the door.

"Why do you care?" Pat questioned and when she looked over to him, he smirked slightly.

"I don't know." She admitted, unsure about why she was defending Lincoln so much.

The door opened before she could come to a conclusion and she whirled on the spot to see Lincoln standing in the doorway and she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't fuss so much woman. Are you alright?" He asked as he crossed his arms.

"I'm fine, what did Uncle Jess want with you?" Sabrina questioned as she walked up to him.

"He just wanted to make sure I wasn't going to hurt you." Lincoln admitted to her. "I have to get back to work, stay out of trouble alright." He warned with a frown.

"Where are you working? And how did you know there was trouble?" Sabrina demanded before he could step out the door.

"I had the bartender send for me if there was trouble regarding you...I'm over at the livery helping the blacksmith shoe horses." He explained to her. "May I go now?" He asked with a scoff.

She frowned at that, "You do realise you'd be dead by now if it weren't for me." She told him in annoyance.

"I could say the same about you, Miss Greco." Lincoln turned and walked out the door.

"Oh please, you don't have the guts to kill me." Sabrina stormed out after him. "You never have and never will." She glowered.

He paused before half turning to look at her, his grey eyes hard and cold. "I wont kill you. But don't think for a second that I care about you. You belong in this world of murderers and whatever fate gives you...I'm sure you deserve it." He told her before continuing down the stairs.

The callousness of his words hit her harder than she expected and she fought the tears that filled her eyes. Gathering her emotions, she headed back to the room while debating what to do.

"Is everything okay?" Pat asked her as she sunk down on the edge of the bed.

"No." She admitted to him as she stared at the floor, the bed shifted slightly and she peeked up at Pat who had sunk down next to her.

"I think..." His voice was quiet. "That it is time for you to go." He explained to her.

Sabrina hated to admit it, but he was right. "What will you tell Lincoln?" She asked him.

"The truth." Pat said with a shrug and she smiled slightly at the older man before getting up to gather her belongings.

"Are you sure about this?" Sabrina asked as she shouldered her bag and approached the old man.

He nodded, "Go." He said softly while glancing towards the door.

"Be safe Pat." She rested her hand on his arm for a moment before hurrying out. Her footsteps were heavy and her stomach was in knots as she headed towards the steps, she should be thrilled to escape so easily...but for some reason it didn't feel as good as she pictured it would.

"Sprout, where are you off to?" Uncle Jesse asked as he sat at the bar.

"I need to go." Sabrina explained while walking up to him.

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