Chapter 9

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So, they didn't have supplies for the journey except for living off the land, but the men sure had enough money to waste away at the small tavern.

"You have a disapproving glower on your face." Caleb remarked as he sunk down into a chair next to her. There were only another few tables dotted around the room, and despite it being the middle of the day, the tavern was dark and musty.

"Men are gross." She told him with a shake of her head. "I plan on sleeping in the stables." She added with a huff.

"Jesse should be done soon." He told her with a chuckle.

She screwed up her face in disgust at that, the tavern had two rooms for rent, and apparently the tavern keepers daughters were eager to make some extra money.

"You've been in brothels all your life, surely you know that a man has needs." Caleb told her before he took a gulp of ale.

She studied him at that, "And what about you? Are you going to take your turn next? There are only two daughters and six of you men." She said in disgust before reaching over and picking up the pitcher to steal a sip of the strong ale.

"I'm thinking about it, they are rather attractive women." He admitted as he looked towards the stairs that lead to the upstairs loft. They had been beautiful, long straw coloured hair and big blue eyes that had easily charmed the men away.

Sabrina shook her head in disapproval as she handed the strong drink back to him.

"So I suppose you are a pretty little virgin." Caleb remarked at that and she felt her face grow red.

"I am and I plan on staying this way." She said seriously as she tucked up on the chair and watched the fire dance in the broad fire place.

"I'm surprised that you still are." Caleb admitted after a long pause.

She half laughed as she breathed out, "Men feared my father too much, and even when I was captured to be used against him. I either killed the idiots who attempted it, or they would just want to barter me for money. Either way, once I was returned to my father, he would hunt the men down and kill them." She explained with a sigh.

"Well they kidnapped his daughter, I'm not surprised." Caleb remarked at that, "I'm sure I'd kill anyone who tried to hurt my child." He added.

"He said I wasn't worth the bounty given and he wasn't going to let gold go to waste because I was foolish enough to get captured." Sabrina explained as she got to her feet. "I'm going for a walk, I'll be back before dark." She turned and headed out the door before Caleb could respond.

"Jesse would have my head if something was to happen to you." Caleb explained as he fell into step beside her.

The town was in a small clearing, there were several houses and businesses that the doors and windows were boarded up, abandoned and left for nature to reclaim them. Coming to the school house, she looked over the small playground that was fading away.

"Did you ever go to school?" She asked Caleb as she walked over to the old swing and tested the wooden seat before sinking down into it.

"Nah, Pa needed workers, and didn't care about poetry or a bunch of squiggles on a page." Caleb said as he crossed his arms.

"It's not too late to learn." Sabrina told him.

"No thanks. I got my learning through working and travelling." Caleb took off his hat and ran his hand over his dark locks as he looked back towards the tavern.

"If you honestly want your turn with those girls, I am fine on my own." She explained to him with a slight smirk.

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