Chapter 10

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Sabrina caught Lewis' wrist as he thrust the knife towards her, twisting under his arm, she drove her elbow into his ribs a few times before knocking the knife from his hand. Catching the knife by the handle she held the blade to the side of Lewis' neck.

"Alright you got me with that one." He said in amusement as he held up his hands in defeat.

Caleb was clapping as he walked over to them. "Sabrina is starting to best you more and more, Lewis." He remarked to his comrade.

"Indeed she is." Lewis said with a laugh as he grabbed his canteen to pause for a drink.

"Jesse is ready to head into town now, camps all packed up." Caleb explained as he turned to her.

"Are we sleeping at a dirty old inn again?" She asked in disgust.

"No, this town should have an old saloon." Caleb answered her. "So we shall be staying there." He added.

"And I am sure you men shall gladly enjoy the saloon girls if they have any." Sabrina said while rolling her eyes.

"I know I will, unless you were to offer any services." Caleb remarked at that and she smacked his broad arm.

"That will not be happening." Sabrina said simply as she handed the knife back to Lewis. "You are a handsome man, but I am just not interested." She told him.

"You'd prefer someone like that man you defended so fiercely." Caleb said with a chuckle and she stared at him surprise. "You were too focused on Jesse to bother looking at the rest of us men." He clarified for her.

"Ah, so you were there for that." She said with a slight grimace.

"Why defend him so much? From what I have heard, he killed your father and kidnapped you." Caleb told her, his handsome face turning into a glower.

"I could have been at the mercy of someone more heartless." Sabrina explained to him as they started back towards the horses.

"How is she doing Lewis?" Jesse asked as she pulled herself into the saddle of her horse.

"Pretty well for a woman of her size." Lewis said with a smirk, "She knows she can be easily overpowered and keeps that in mind." He added.

"You are not going easy on her?" Jesse asked while frowning.

"I am not, you told me to train her, so I am." Lewis said in return.

"Anyway, can we leave now? I want to get to town and have a decent meal." She interrupted the men from bickering over her any further.

"To town it is." Jesse said with a smirk before spurring his horse on and she rolled her eyes as she nudged her horse to pick up the same pace.

"Are you men just going to drink your money away or bathe for once?" She asked them while they trailed along.

"Baths cost more than some women." Ben told her with a smirk. "We all washed in the creek two days ago when you last complained." He added.

Sabrina scrunched up her nose at that, "At least in town you can buy some soap." She said in return.

"It will depend on how much I win at the tables." Jesse explained to her.

"Are you running out of money Uncle?" She asked him.

"We haven't had a job in well over a month, so money is a little tight." Jesse said as he glanced over his shoulder.

"What jobs to you normally do?" She questioned with a slight frown.

"We rob banks or stages." Caleb explained as he reigned up beside her. "Are you interested in helping out?" He asked her with a charming smirk.

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