Chapter 3

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The fire crackling before her was for light and not warmth as night fall did not bring a reprieve from the bothersome heat.

"How did you manage to catch the rabbits?" Sabrina questioned the older silent man of the group. He was a short lanky man, with scraggly hair, and he raised tired blue eyes to look at her.

"Slingshot."He mumbled as he held up the small weapon to show her.

"Well,thank you for the food." She said quietly, happy to have a decent meal in her stomach.

Pat nodded in response before laying back on his bedroll with his hat over his face, much like how Lincoln had been laying for the last hour.

Working at the leather cord that bound her hands, she managed to wiggle her wrists enough to loosen the cord so she could pull free. Escaping wasn't on her mind, Her belongings were near Lincoln, and there wasn't a chance that she could escape without a horse anyway.

Walking off into the woods, she headed towards the creek that Pat had managed to find, the moonlight streamed through the branches, and the soft warm breeze caused the leaves to rustle.

It was a beautiful country-side, the land was vast and green and she hoped that wherever her travels would take would lead to a place as beautiful as this. The creek was in a small clearing that wound through the forest, and the blue moon was reflecting beautifully off it. 

Walking up to the bank, Sabrina lent down to slip out of her shoes, before hopping on the spot as she wiggled out of her stockings. Lifting her skirt, she sat on the rocky bank and rested her feet in the water, exhaling in relief at the touch of the cool water. Her feet had been trapped in her shoes for the last two days and she desperately needed to bathe, but not without soap or in the company of the thugs.

Unwinding her hair from the pinned bun on her head, Sabrina lent forward to rinse her hair in the water, using her fingers as a comb while her brush was in her bag back at camp. Even with just water, her dark wavy hair already felt cleaner as she washed the sweat out. Maybe if they stayed at a saloon in Albrough she could con Lincoln into paying for a bath, since she was still a lady and he seemed to be a former gentleman. Shaking her hair of the water, she straightened, the water from her hair cascaded down her back, soaking her blouse and corset, but it was a welcome relief.

"Maybe I should run away to the snow." She muttered under breath, hating the heat and she knew that once morning came, it would start to get unbearably hot again.

"I honestly don't know how you keep getting out of your binds." Lincoln's rough voice sounded from behind her.Walking up to the bank, Sabrina lent down to slip out of her shoes, before hopping on the spot as she wiggled out of her stockings. Lifting her skirt, she sat on the rocky bank and rested her feet in the water, exhaling in relief at the touch of the cool water. Her feet had been trapped in her shoes for the last two days and she desperately needed to bathe, but not without soap or in the company of the thugs.

"I have had plenty of practice." Sabrina explained to him, not bothering to turn around, instead she continued to run her hands through her hair to work on the knots.

His shadowy form appeared beside her and she watched as he sunk down on a rock barely a metre from her.

"I thought you were asleep." She remarked to him.

"Pat watched you leave and woke me when you didn't come back." He said seriously.

"Well I didn't run off this time." Sabrina mumbled as she lent on her knees.

"I was surprised you didn't." Lincoln admitted as he picked up a pebble and threw it into the water.

"It's peaceful out here." She said as the breeze spun around her and the leaves danced as if in agreement with her. His chuckle surprised her and she giggled at the sound of it.

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