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Nashi's POV

I cant believe I had made to magnolia I was so close to saving my parents I was starting to lose hope for a while there I thought excitedly.

I was walking with my hands behind my head and my legs kicking high in front of me just as my dad would.

Man I miss him and mum, i wish they were here, soon I was snapped out of my thoughts when I bumped into someone.

"Hey watch it pinkie" a boy with dark blue hair and no top on said angrily.

"Sorry man didnt see ya" I replied I was not in the mood to be side tracked.

"Hey quit walking away and fight me!!" The boy was starting to get on my nerves, "or are you to chicken" I already knew he had a smug look on his face.

I turned around to face him "look I'm busy I'm only in this town to find fairytail so can you stop annoying me" I was more than pissed now and I think he could hear it in my voice.

"Hey, calm down I can take you to fairytail if you want" he seemed more genuine.

"Really?! Thank you so much" I was jumping up and down in happiness.

"My name is storm by the way" he said as he held out his hand

"Nashi" I took his hand and shook.

"So nashi why are you in town?" He looked at me with a questioning look

"I need help from fairytail, my parents where kidnapped" I look at him tears threatening to come out.

"Hey dont worry I'm sure the guild can help you" he gives me a reassuring smile.

"Thanks let's get going shall we" and we take of towards fairytail

-When at Fairytail-

Nashi's POV

"Hey guys!!!" Storms yells as he kicks in the guilds door

"Hey storm who is the girl"

"Storm the door!!"

"Ice freak has a girl??!"

I ignored them all and followed storm to who I assume is the guilds master

"Hello kiddo whatcha need?" He said in a friendly manner

"Oh hi I'm nashi" and I need some help i said looking at the floor again

"Ok follow me nashi" he said getting of a stool and making his way up the stairs.

I look down to the guild hall and everyone is stareing at me. I turn away and walk into a small room where I assume the master stays.

"Oh where are my manners, my name is makarov or you you can call me gramps".

"Ok gramps" I say smiling.

He smiles back "what is it you need help with?" He asks in a caring tone.

"My parents where kidnapped" I reply sadly

"Can you tell me there names please" he says as he brings out a note pad.

I nod, "there names are Layla and Nafan LockFlame". (Sorry I couldn't think of much better).

"Ok I'll inform some of the wizards you can go back now nashi" tramps said grabbing some files.

I walked out and a girl with blonde hair stopped me "hey you pinkie where did you come from" she said nosily.

"Non of your business" I said as I continued walking.

"Oh but I heard everything you said you dont have parents must of been to weak to protect them huh" she raises an eyebrow the laughs.

I was starting to get pissed but kept moving until she grabbed my wrist we where right in the middle of the guild everyone was stareing at us.

"Hey look at me when I talk to you" she was getting angry now.

"Leave her alone Nova she has been through enough" storm said fed up of nova.

"Tch, her parents probably didn't want her".

I was shaking with anger I couldn't control myself and I lit my body on fire.

"Leave my parents out of this!!! I say as I punch her across the room.

I look up the guild stareing at me I shake even more now I look at my palms there is smoke flying of them, my world starts to go black and soon I'm out.

Hello guys!!! Sorry this chapter wasn't as long I just needed to get one out. I hope you are enjoying and TYSM for 44 reads I'm so happy that people are interested in my story next chapter should be better I was just not in the zone today. Please comment any ideas or constructive questions below here.

Word count- 760 words

Chapter 5 out on Monday

Boo-chan out!!!

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