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Nashi's POV

I woke up in a white room with multiple beds and medical equipment, must be the guilds infirmary I thought but how did I get here? Last thing I remember was.... punching Nova, omg!! I showed my power, stupid stupid nashi what were you thinking!!!. I smacked my self internally.

"Nashi how are you sweetheart" a kind soft voice spoke up. She was nova's mother, but how she is so kind.

"I'm fine miss" I reply.

"My name is mirajane but you can call me mira" her voice still gentle, "sorry for my daughter's attitude, she got it from me" I couldn't believe my ears, Nova got it from Mira a literal angel?!?!.

"No I'm sorry I couldn't control myself " I look down ashamed. "Thank you for making sure I was okay though".

"No problem nashi, anyways wanna meet the guild members?" Mira said happily.

"Sure!" I reply once again a big smile on my face as I follow mira out the door.

As soon as I stepped out the door the guild looked at me and whispered amongst each other. Great they probably hate me way to go nashi.

I see nova walk up to me, "sorry for my attitude earlier nashi" she grumbled "no I'm sorry for hitting you" I look away not wanting to make eye contact.

I made small chat with some of the members until the master came out of his office, a serious look on his face everyone turned to listen.

"Alright brats it has come to my attention that there is someone in need and we as a guild must help! The person in question is Nashi LockFlame. Her request is to save her parents from a dark guild so here is you jobs.

Freed, Levy - inform the other guilds and get as much info on the LockFlame family as you can!

Erza, Gray, Juvia, Wendy - when we find the guild responsible you will attack if necessary to get Nashi's parents.

Laxus, Bixlow and Evergreen - scout the surrounding area for any trace.

The rest of you be on alert for anything suspicious. And inform me if something comes up.

The guild agreed with the master, I felt more at peace now knowing very soon that my parents would be safe soon.

The master then asked to see me in his office, when I got there the rescue group was also there they all wanted to ask questions I could see it on there faces.

"So nashi do you have any information that we could use to help us?".

I nod "well my home town was Turnberry, my parents were both mages and there only one dark guild that I know of near us".

"Do you mind telling us the name of the guild nashi?" The master asks gentle but stern. I nod once again "the guilds name was 'Dark Rose'" master nods "I should have known they have been causing quite the scene nowadays, is there anything else nashi?" I wanted to tell them the truth about my parents real name and who they were but I knew that would make the situation worse "no sir" I hesitate. I dont know how much longer I can lie to them i just hope they find my parents quick.

Hello! My lovelies Boo-chan again. Sorry about being late with publishing this chapter I had writers block but i knew I had to make a chapter so it's not the best. And I apologise for that, anyways if there is anything that you would like to see in this book feel free to ask me I wont bite, I hope you are doing good during the pandemic and you are all safe. Boo-chan out!

Words - 624

Next chapter - next 2-3 days

Quote of the day - "The ones who cry are the ones who have been strong the the longest."

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