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First of all I want to say thank you very much for reading this book I never thought it would get far as it was just a competition between me and my sister to see who could get the most reads! She outruns be by a mile though as her story has 10k but I couldn't be more grateful! Because I know my writing and spelling are not great but so many of you have stuck by to read my book so thank you all for reading and enjoy the last chapter. Perhaps~

Nashi's POV

We made it to fairytail! At last I can finally enjoy my family without worrying I'm so happy I wanna scream but there will be plenty time for that later but I brush the thought away as mum and dad are about to tell me what happened and we can put everything to rest.

"Ok so first of I wanna say thank you all for looking out for nashi while we were absent it means the world to us that our little sunshine wasn't hurt and I will thank you all in a better way later but for now I'll tell what happened so we can enjoy the rest of the night. So it all began when we sent nashi out for school a few weeks ago everything was perfect and it felt like nothing could go wrong that day, but how far from right we were.

It was almost instant, as soon as Nashi turned the corner we were knocked out by Dark Rose there was nothing we could do they were to fast for even a dragon slayer to sniff out, soon after we woke up we started making our plan to escape but were cut short by us being tortured all while Nashi was here with you we never gave up hope and sure enough you came and helped us and we are so grateful" Mum finished looking at her guild mates.

Uncle gray spoke up

"Now the boring sappy stuff is over let's party!" He shouted and the guild erupted with an "Aye sir!" Sending us all into a fit of laughter.

And party we did seconds turned into minutes as minutes turned into hours everyone was wasted aside from a few, it made me feel at home like I had been here my whole life and I wouldn't give it up for anything in the world.

A few hours later and everyone had simmered down either out cold or had left to get home it was quiet now me and a few others being the only ones awake, I looked down on the guild from the top of the stairs to masters office were I was soon joined by Storm.

"Thank you" I say looking over at him.

"For what?" He questioned me

"For helping me and being here when I most needed it." I say feeling quite strange as this was the first time i have had a peaceful interaction with him.

"No problems it's what family does" he smiles back at me with his thumb up

"Oi loves birds get down here and help us clean up will ya!" A voice that belonged to Nova shouted.

"Alright alright we are coming!" I shout back.

We all burst into a fit of giggles as we clean nothing else mattered at that moment it was just us.

I wouldn't have traded this day for the world.

Until next time xx - Nashi Dragneel


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