Another book

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Hello guys it's been a while hasn't it! I just wanted to say a quick announcement that I have another book out, sadly it's not another fairytail one since I kinda haven't been into fairytail as much but instead it's a haikyuu one! And I hope that you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it and if you are a fan of haikyuu and kageyama I think you will like it even more as since my writing skills have gotten way better and I actually know how to structure a story now. Even if there is only one chapter on the book if it gets good feed back I would gladly do another chapter or if you guys arent feeling it I'll take in recommendations but please not I'm not very good at writing sex scenes or angst sorry to disappoint have a lovely day and I will wait for some feed back.

Please not that this book will be quite slow with updates because I have another book in the works that is also kageyama centric (yes shoot me I am in love with this man) so if you dont like that sorry I haven't peaked your interest and also it is a winged au

Run  // NALU //Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ