Chapter 5

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"Sorry, we weren't here earlier, but Rachel wanted to look at you guys from a distance.." Caith told me and Rachel looks down.

"It's okay." I said and tried to smile.

"You're okay, tough?" Helen asked.

"I don't know.. I just want to forget about it, so can we please leave?" I asked them and they all nodded.

"Right, my car is over there." Rachel said and walked in the right direction.

She unlocked her car and got seated. I took a seat in the back and so did Caith. Helen sat next to Rachel and then she drove off.

"You know there's a party next saturday." Helen started.

"Then why are you telling us this now?" Caith asked and we all laughed.

I didn't do anything. I didn't laugh, I didn't say anything, I did nothing. I was still thinking about what happened.

The same question I keep asking myself is, why? Why does this have to happen to me? Christian was a nice guy, but that's over now. He isn't the same anymore.

He was all sweet and carrying and now? He just want something and he will do everything to get it, I swear.

He wasn't like that. It is really frustrating, you know? He had to do his very best to get allong with me and then he asked me out and I liked it.

He took me to the most amazing places I could ever imagine, but then one night, there was this party.

I know you think "oh no, not a party!" right now, but yeah.. Anyway.. We went there together and we had a lot of fun and stuff and then he went to his friends and I went to mines.

He got drunk and flirted with every girl he saw. He even tried to flirt with Rachel! I mean Rachel?! I was so mad at him, so I told him I wanted to leave and he said no.

'Okay' I said and I went back to my friends to say goodbye. Then out of nowhere, Helen said I had to look behind me and there stood Christian kissing the slut of the school, Ashley.

I did nothing, I was just staring at them. Then Caith said she was going home with me and then it started.

I became mad. It was the first time I actually became really mad. But I was crying at the same time, so everyone was staring at me like I was insane.

I walked over to the two kissing lovers and separated them. Christian looked at me with his What-The-Hell-Face and then he got it.

He knew he did something wrong. He said sorry a million times, but I didn't listen. I just slapped his cheek and it became red.

He was shocked, but he deserved it. I walked away, crying, and then I went home with Caith. I slept at her place and I was so happy I did.

When I arrived back home that afternoon, my mom told me Christian had been calling many times and that he even came. My mom told him I wasn't home.

She knew I would be with him, so when he came knocking on the door, she knew something was wrong. I had been crying in her arms which felt like hours. Those hours became days and eventually weeks.

I didn't go to school for three weeks, but I did my very best to pass my exams and I did pass in the end.

I had been seeing Christian a lot at school, but I ignored him. He always looked at me and saying sorry when I walked by, but I acted like I never heard it.

Then some day, he acted weird and started bullying innocent people. I didn't want that, so I tried to talk to him.

He became a dick and he just walked pass me. I gave it up after 4 times and then he started bullying everyone.

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