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Arturo, Nedd, and I just got back from the tunnels and we were going to tell Cobb what we had found. Ships were just landing back onto the platform and enemy ships were either retreating back to the sky or crashed out in the battlefield about 3 klicks away from what I could tell from the scanners. I saw Kimmalyn walking out of the control room as I headed towards it, "Hey Quirk, is Cobb int there?" I said as she passed me. "Hey Jorgen, yeah he's in there but I gotta warn you he's in one of his moods," she said. "Is he ever not in a mood?" I said as I started to open the door. "Jorgen?!" Kimmalyn shouted and started walking back towards me with a serious look on her face, "you don't know whats happened, do you?" I just stared at her confused surely she didn't think I was that stupid there had obviously been a fight up here while I was in the caverns and clearly we did okay, right? "Kimmalyn, I think I can piece it together I've seen the scanners and we obviously haven't lost hardly any of our pilots so I take that as a good sign, and the Krell are retreating," as I said this she started turning away from me and stared out the window. I stepped over by her to see what she was looking at when I couldn't see anything I turned to look at her and saw that she was trying hard not to cry. "Kimmalyn," I said slowly, "what happened, what's wrong, what aren't you telling me?"   

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