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Jorgen was on one side, and Kimmalyn on the other. Both of them were helping Spensa back to her room in the base, she finally got out of the hospital wing. Jorgen had his hand on her back, steadying her when she needed it. For only being awake a few weeks she was doing pretty good. She could without help most of the time and move without much pain. They reached Spensa's room without her falling and she was helped into her bed by both of them. "Thank you, both of you," Spensa said.

"Of course, we'd do anything for you," Kimmalyn said, "Seeing as how you saved us and all."

Spensa sat up a bit straiter, taking her midlength hair and tying it up in a knot at the top of her head. "I don't know what I'd do without you guys," she said once she got settled. "Just make sure you get plenty of rest for the next while and make sure to call any of us if you need anything especially Jorgen he'd love to help you 24/7," Kimmalyn said while eyeing both Jorgen and Spensa then exiting the room.

"Think she could have been any more obvious?" Jorgen asked Spensa, sitting down next to her. "Honestly, I don't think she cares how obvious she's being," Spensa laughed. She looked back up at Jorgen and smiled. "what?" Jorgen asked her. "Nothing," she said to him still smirking. He leaned down and kissed her, his soft lips on hers. "Now will you tell me?" he asked.

"oooh, bribery, that's so low, but at the same time, don't stop." She said. Jorgen laughed "Nope, not until you tell me what's on your mind." Spensa fake gasped and stuck out her tongue. "Fine, I was thinking...I want to practice flying on the simulators," She said all matter of factly. Jorgen's expression changed almost instantly. "There is no way in hell I'm going to let you do that, Spens, you can barely walk and I can tell that when you move too much you're in pain. You would just injure yourself even more," Jorgen said sitting down next to her on the bed with a stern look on his face as he took her hands in his. Spensa just groaned and lied back down.

"You know the concerned boyfriend act works a bit with you, but it been getting old. I'm tired of it." Jorgen smiled at that, "Well I'm so sorry Spin, from now on I'll shut up and just let you get in the simulator so you can injure yourself some more, it's not like we need you back up in the air anytime soon. We can waste time and let you take even longer to recover." Jorgen said sarcastically. "Well thank you now if you excuse me I'm going down to the simulators so I can practice." She said getting up and walking out of the room. "Wait, did you just call me your boyfriend?!" Jorgen called after her. 

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