My Mind

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Don't try to go inside my mind
It's a dangerous and dark place
You'll get lost within mere seconds
It's empty but like a maze
You won't see a thing in front of you
But everything will blast in your ears
You'll beg and plead to get out of there
But believe me, It never hears
It'll scream at you till your ears bleed
You're surrounded by darkness and no light
Your heartbeat will start to race quickly
You're in a battle you know you can't fight
You'll scream till your throat goes hoarse
You'll cry till your eyes dry up
You're hopeless with no way out
Believe me you've ran out of luck
My mind is like a busy ass highway
With everything going so fast
There's so many collisions and accidents happening
I don't know how long you will last
Now that I've told you what happens inside my mind
Do you still want to go and see
It'll be worse than your greatest nightmare
Now imagine what it's like to be me

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