That Person

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You see that person over there?
With the dark blue shirt and messy hair?
They've got secrets they can't tell
Like how their mother ain't that well
You see that lady standing still?
She's got a heart that's yet to fill
Her child died when he was four
Got trapped between the garage door
You see that man with some money in his hands?
He just found out his child is trans
He's off to buy her some new clothes
Oh look, there's her standing by the road
You see those kids riding on their bikes?
They're off to the shops for some Mike 'n' Ikes
With their head held high
And some money in their pocket
She's got a picture of her mum inside her little locket
You see that boy by the bus stop, all alone?
There was a fire and he lost his home
You can see the burns on his arms and legs
Just ask how he watched his parents melt
You see that girl in that pretty little dress?
She's off to the station to confess
On the death of her brother who was stabbed and shot
He looked in her eyes and died on the spot
You see that old man walking with a cane?
He fought in the war in the soaking rain
Those scars on his face are the bombs he survived
Nobody asks about those lost lives
You see that person over there?
We all don't know how long they've got to spare
We all have quests that we yet to bother
So don't judge a book just by its cover

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