Death Wish

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One night I wished upon a star
When I couldn't sleep and all was dark
When not a house had a shining light
When not a movement was seen in sight
That night I closed my eyes and wished
That the beast inside me will be unleashed
That those who wronged me will understand
Not to mess with this young lad
That was the night I believed in magic
When all the endings were happy and tragic
I believed that all the stories were real
That the godmother wore a dress that was teal
I wished for my soul to be taken away
And six feet underground is where I shall lay
To be rid of my worries and all my pain
When the day is bright and not a drop of rain
I wished that the trees will sway against the wind
As I'm in my coffin laying still
The children will laugh and play together
But they don't notice their brother and sister
Who are standing still with tears in their eyes
As they come to me and say their goodbyes
I watch the world that is beyond my window
That lives hundreds and thousands human souls
Each with their very own adventure
And problems that they share with each other
I looked through the curtains and saw a cat
It was black and white and chasing a rat
I imagined myself as a different person
I wonder what lays behind life's turn
That night I wished upon a star
For me to be dead once and for all

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