The Memories

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Subah took out her pillow and started making a sleeping arrangement swiftly.

"I literally have Zero energy in me right now that I don't even want to eat any snacks." Subah said to Kriti with her sleepy eyes.

"You sure?" Kriti asked her showing the pringles can in her hand and with a doubtful expression.

"Umm.. Okay I guess I'm wrong," Subah said with a sigh.

"Only one piece for now."

"Shut up! Hand me the can-"

Subah snatched the pringles can from Kriti and grabbed a handful of pringles from inside.

"God! You are so mean! Didn't spare anything for me?" Kriti said in an irritated tone.

"Come on! You have another okay? Don't cry baby hahahaha," Subah laughed.

They both were being mischievous and was talking about some random things and just then someone coughed at the door.

"Ahem ahem," It was Sushant.

"Oh hey! You are awake?" Subah welcomed him.

"Uhh yeah. I was actually going to my seat.. I... was passing by here so... Umm...thought of checking up on you," Sushant stutters.

"Oh that's cool. Come inside!" Subah said.

Sushant went into the compartment and sat beside Subah. Kriti was sitting on the seat opposite to them. She would have felt disturbed at him for coming to their room at such late at night if it was before. But today she didn't. Because Sushant is not like before anymore. He changed for real. He changed in every way so to speak. The way he talked, the way he dressed- everything has changed. He's completely a grown up man now. Although they have only met for a few hours and have barely talked to each other, but Kriti feels like he has become really mature and responsible. As far as she can assume. Kriti inspects him carefully - not wanting him to get a notice of that.

Subah was constantly talking to him but Kriti didn't listen anything. She was busy remembering their college days. How they used to be. How he used to annoy her in every way possible. Sushant was making her bring back all those memories in front of her eyes. But she couldn't relate the new Sushant with the old one.
He did change himself a lot though. Changed into a better version of him apparently - Kriti thinks to herself.

"Sushant I'm sorry but I'm really very sleepy. Can't keep my eyes open anymore. If you don't mind I'd like to go to sleep right now. Will talk tomorrow morning for sure. But she is awake (pointing at Kriti) so you guys talk. I'm off. Goodnight!" Subah grabs the blanket on top of her and slept off within five minutes.

There is a really awkward silence between them two now. There was only the train whistles echoing through the windows as most of the people around were asleep by then.

Kriti hasn't spoken a word since Sushant came in and that made the whole thing more awkward. Kriti couldn't decide what should she do now. And Sushant was confused about whether it would make her more uncomfortable if he tries to talk to her or not. But it was becoming too weird for both of them to keep sitting silent for almost 10 minutes. So sushant decided to be the one to talk first-

"Subah is really a fast sleeper isn't she?"

"Oh uhh yeah. Haha. She was really tired."

"Surely," He smiled.

And again they got themselves into an awkwardly silent situation. More than before.

"Umm... D-do you want to have some... chips or something?" Sushant asks very nervously.

Kriti was startled,"Oh uhhm.. no thanks. I'm ok."

"Uhh maybe some.. coffee?" Sushant asked softly.

"Okay. Sure." Kriti couldn't avoid anymore.

"Okay. Just wait a few minutes. I'll be right back," Sushant smiled as if her agreeing for the coffee was a relieving thing for him and he immediately went out of the room.

Kriti didn't want to doubt him anymore. She took it as a friendly gesture and didn't think much about it. She started thinking about what was going to happen the next morning.

5 minutes later

Sushant enetered the room with two coffee cups in hand and gave one to Kriti.

"Woah you came really fast," Kriti said.

"Yeah haha. Actually everyone is sleeping outside. So there's not much rush at the coffee counter," Sushant replied.

"Thank you," Kriti said in a really low voice.

"No problem," Sushant gives her a sweet smile.

And again it was all silent. Both of them drank the coffee with so much concentration as if they were tasting it for the first time. As soon as they were finished with the coffee, Kriti said, "I'm sorry Sushant. I'm actually feeling really sleepy right now. Hope you don't mind.."

"Oh yeah yeah uhh of course. Umm I'm sorry I didn't notice it's almost 1 am. I'll get going don't worry -" Sushant becomes uncomfortable.

"Nothing to be sorry about," Kriti said smiling.

"okay. I'm turning the light off while going." He took the coffee cups and steps out of the room swiftly, "Have a nice sleep," he smiled at her.

"You too," Kriti said.

"Good night," Sushant turns off the light and shuts their door. He doesn't know why but he felt a little happy from spending some time with them. He never was like a best friend to Kriti or Subah, nor he was any close. Rather he was titled as an 'annoyer' or a 'bully' among their group back in their college days. But today, spending some time with them was something that felt like he was waiting for this for so long. Maybe destiny had some planning for them. Though he doesn't want to think much about it. He is just here to enjoy his time with everyone.

Well I liked this chapter though. What do u think of this? Plz let me know in the comments!

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