The New Phase

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The next morning Kriti woke up with such a relaxing mood. She felt so light. As if she was born anew again in this world. Everything around her started feeling amazing. And it's all because of Sushant-She thought.

She decided to thank him sometime and show him some gratitude. She went out of the room to find him but he was nowhere. In fact she found out that all the boys were gone except for virat. He was seen being busy on his phone at a corner of the living room.

Kriti walked in and asked, "Hey Virat. Have you seen Sushant?"

"They all went for hiking in the nearest valley. But why do you need him?" Virat asked.

"oh just for some business you know. But why did they go without us?" Kriti asked with a surprised tone.

"You guys were sleeping that time. So they couldn't take you along," Virat replied.

"Then why are you here?" Kriti asks.

"Ya know apparently I'm the leader so I need to be in charge all the time for your safety so..." Virat says in a proud yet shy tone.

"Aww thank you for your sacrifice, captain!" Kriti says softly.

"Haha mention not!" Virat says,"But don't worry, they are checking out the ideal places for hiking. So we can go there tomorrow all of us together," Virat assures.

"That would be great! You're so kind.." Kriti says.

"Now stop being so sweet or else I'll catch diabetes," Virat says sarcastically.

Kriti waited for Sushant all day but they were taking too long to get back. She tried for his phone multiple times but later she realised that he had forgotten his phone in his room. So she had no other option other than just waiting for them.

3.30 pm

Virat gets a call in his phone. Kriti heard him talking to someone but in a frightened voice. She walked into the room to see what was happening. Virats face turned white.

"What happened Virat?" Kriti asks holding her breath.

"Vikas had just called me and said that they're coming back but Sushant got his feet fractured while hiking. He said something like a big stone accidentally fell on his feet from above the mountain... And I don't know how bad it is apparently." Virat spilled out.

It took some moments for Kriti to register what Virat just said. Although it sounded like a terror to her, but she somehow managed to keep herself calm in this situation -

"Tell them to drive him to the nearest hospital," Kriti advised.

"Well I would have already told them that but the place we are staying in is a quite rural side so to say. So there is no standard hospital anywhere around. And it would take almost 4 hours for us if we start for the city hospital..." Virat tells her.

"N-no I don't think that will be a wise decision," Kriti says.

"Exactly," Virat replied.

"But Virat there has to be some other way, no? We can't just leave him like that!" Kriti said with a very worried tone.

"D-don't worry Kriti. We have some medical kits with us. Don't worry. Let's wait for him to return here first. We'll manage trust me," Virat tried not to scare her much.

Kriti realised that they actually doesn't have much to do now until he's here. She tried to stay cool but basically couldn't rest for a second.

Why am I worrying this much? Of course you'll do Kriti! He's your friend! He helped you! -So am I just being sympathetic to him just because he helped me starting a new life? Just a return gift? That's so selfish! No I'm not... Ugh.. Stop thinking! Ju-just think about what to do to fix his leg now - Kriti's head was not letting her sit in peace. She herself had no clue what she was thinking and why. She was so pissed.

What's gonna happen next?

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