Chapter 13: All About Us.

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I MEAN IT!!!!!!!


It took me a solid hour to convince Harry I was okay alone for him to take my mom and Anthoyn back to the house so we had room for the twins in the car.. I wish it hadn't taken so long either because I was more than ready to get home, but now we're here, pulling back up to the house, and it feels so good. No hospital gown, no chilled air, no constant beeping noises, and still no fussy babies... Shockingly... It's odd, they say newborns are crazy wild, and loud... Not our newborns though. They're perfect. I get out of the car, and walk to the backseat, opening the car door on Grace's side.

"Hey angel... How's my favorite girl?" I mumble, but she does nothing as she's asleep. I notice Harry looking over the car towards me as he unlatches Grey's car seat. Everytime I talk to either of them in that higher voice he looks at me with the warmest smile. I take the car seat in my hand, and move as carefully as I can, walking through the garage, into the house. Bo runs straight up to me and I smile. "Hellooo, hello hello I missed you!" I cheer softly. "Hey bub did you set everything up or... My mom." I mumble, walking into the room, seeing everything the twins could need all ready.

"She warned me... Must've slipped my mind honestly." He shrugs, and sets the car seat down. I do the same, crouching down to the car seat. "Darling you've been moving around way too much.. I just don't want you to hurt yourself." He mumbles, crouching next to me. I shake my head.

"I'm alright. I promise." I mumble, and Bo comes up. "Hey boy... Meet your new best friends." I smile, petting his fur, seeing him tentatively come towards the babies. He sniffs Grace's feet, eyeing her, but backing away as if he's afraid. "Not used to em yet.. I get it, babies are scary." I mumble, and unlatch my girl from her car seat. "C'mere babe." I mumble, taking her in my hands. Harry takes Garrison out of his car seat, and I watch him, noticing his silence, seeing his tired eyes. "Why don't you lay down... You've been up with them non stop... I don't need you crashing and burning before they're even a week old." I mumble, carrying Grace in my arms.

"Hey Grey..." He smiles down at the boy in his arms, his eyes now open, and looking around. His face scrunches after seconds of swaying, and Harry tries to shush him, but he starts crying. "Calm down, it's okay." He's rubbing his hand on his back, trying to calm him down but nothing seems to be working, and I see the weary look on his face as Grace wakes up, her cries being heard as well.

"Hey... Hey, it's alright, pass him over... Go take a shower, take a break for a second.." I talk over the cries, and open my arm up for Garrison. He looks at me with uncertainty, and I sigh. "If you're worried send my mom, or Anthony down here... It's fine, just pass him over." I mumble, wanting the cries to stop. He reluctantly hands his son over, and as soon as I situate him, cradling him in my other arm I start bouncing both of them, shifting weight as I do.

"Hey bubby, why are you crying? Why are you being pouty huh?" I fake pout to the boy in my arms, and then look to Grace. "And you young lady, I didn't raise you to be a follower, you're a leader... Stop your crying, might I say... It's a sign of the times..." I look up at Harry with a smirk, and he has a blank stare, practically a glare in his eyes.

"I don't feel bad for leaving you alone with them anymore.." He mumbles, and I smile. I look down, noticing both of them starting to get sleepy eyed again, there's eyes falling, and their crying stopped all together. "But I love you... I'll be right back." He mumbles, leaning forward to kiss me quick.

"Hey..." He turns back, and I shake my head. "Don't be right back... I mean it when I say go to bed, take a nap... please, for me." I mumble, and he sighs.

Creator (book 3) - H.SWhere stories live. Discover now